Easy fish and seafood zarzuela recipe

The fish and seafood zarzuela is typical of Spain, especially in the coastal area of ​ Catalonia. It is a dish that is usually prepared on the occasion of a festivity, such as Christmas, due to its long process and the expensive price of the ingredients. However, we want to teach you how to cook this recipe easily, don’t miss it!

Ingredients to make easy fish and seafood zarzuela:

  • 1 kilogram of mussels
  • ½ kilogram of squid in rings
  • 250 grams of Prawns
  • 750 grams of Monkfish
  • 750 grams of Hake
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 glass of white wine or small sherry
  • ½ kilogram of crushed tomato

How to make easy fish and seafood zarzuela:

  1. The first thing you should do is cook the mussels with salt and a little water. Once cooked, remove the fruit from the shell and reserve it. Strain the water and reserve it as well.
  2. Cook the monkfish and hake in a small amount of water and a glass of white wine or Jerez. Flip the fish over so it cooks all over. Once cooked, remove the fish from the casserole and reserve the remaining broth.
  3. Crumble both the monkfish and the hake, taking care to remove all the bones. Separately, put a little oil in another casserole and sauté the finely chopped onion and garlic. When the onion becomes transparent, add the fried tomato very slowly and the bay leaf. Cover the casserole to prevent it from jumping and the base sauce is cooked well.
  4. In another frying pan with hot oil or in a clay pot, fry the squid cut into rings and previously coated in flour.
  5. To continue preparing the fish zarzuela, when the squid begin to color, add the hake, the monkfish, the peeled prawns, the mussels, a bay leaf, salt, white pepper and the sauce that you prepared previously. Stir everything well and pour in the mussel broth and the fish broth
  6. Let the fish and shellfish zarzuela cook over medium-high heat for approximately 15 minutes, moving the preparation with the flick of the wrist so that a thick sauce remains. When done, serve it hot with a good slice of white bread.

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