Easy, fast and delicious homemade granola recipe

I had been wanting to make my own homemade granola for a long time. I don’t know why it took me so long, because it’s very simple, quite fast and the result is spectacular. Seriously, you cannot imagine how good it is. I will never buy natural granola again when I can make it myself.

There are many variants, with which you can always innovate and so we don’t get tired of it, but the base of the preparation of a granola is oat flakes, to which some other cereal is sometimes added, then nuts and/or seeds. , and finally some oil and sugar or honey and spices to taste.

This time I opted for something simple, because it was the first time. I accompanied the oatmeal with almonds and hazelnuts, a little coconut oil, sweetener and spices, and it was a wonderful homemade oatmeal granola. Honestly, I didn’t expect it to turn out so good. A complete success!

Ingredients to make easy, fast and delicious Homemade Granola:

  • 2 cups of oat flakes
  • ½ cup of granulated almonds (or as you prefer)
  • ¼ cup hazelnuts
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ginger powder
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • ¼ cup of brown sugar (45 grams)
  • ½ tablespoon of honey
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla essence

How to make easy, quick and delicious Homemade Granola:

  1. Mix all the ingredients of the homemade granola very well in a bowl.
  2. To do this, first, we will heat the coconut oil a little to melt it and temper the honey so that it is more fluid and better distributed. We mix very well.
  3. If you prefer, try this sugar-free homemade granola recipe another time.
  4. Trick: I take this opportunity to say that instead of honey I put a sugar-free syrup as an equivalent, I had the hazelnuts whole and crushed them in the mortar, and instead of sugar I put an equivalent sweetener in the same amount, so I prepared the homemade granola healthier.
  5. Line the bottom of a baking tray with parchment paper and spread the mixture.
  6. There should not be a very thick layer so that the homemade granola browns very well and evenly.
  7. We put the oatmeal and coconut granola in the oven at about 170 ºC and leave for about 20-25 minutes.
  8. We stir the mixture every 5 or 6 minutes to avoid burning the parts that are most exposed or in the corners.
  9. The only danger of homemade oatmeal granola is burning.
  10.  For the rest, it is very easy to do, so we must be very careful and stir the mixture from time to time so that it is perfect.
  11. When it’s ready, take it out of the oven and let it cool completely.
  12. Then we can store it in a hermetically sealed jar, it lasts very well for several weeks.
  13. Just so you know, because I don’t think it will last that long. Easy, quick and delicious homemade granola is just too good!
  14. I take it with natural yogurt and fresh fruit and it drives me crazy. You have to try it!:)


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