Easy Chocolate and Cookies Cake Recipe

Learn how to prepare a chocolate cake and cookies without an oven in this article. We will make this easy cake cold, so once assembled you will only have to store it in the fridge and wait for it to set, it couldn’t be easier!

If you want to pamper the family with a delicious chocolate dessert but you don’t even have time to complicate yourself in the kitchen, this easy chocolate and cookie cake recipe is the ideal option for you. We will make a chocolate cream and then we will assemble our cake in layers… the result is scrumptious.

Ingredients to make easy chocolate and cookie cake:

  1. 1 package of Maria Cookies (200 grams)
  2. 170 milliliters of Milk
  3. 1 cup of Milk (to soak the cookies)
  4. 250 grams of Fondant or Pastry Chocolate
  5. 50 grams of unsalted butter
  6. 1 teaspoon of Vanilla
  7. 1 piece of lemon peel

How to make Easy Chocolate Cookie Tart:

  • Start by boiling the milk with the piece of lemon and vanilla, in this way we can give the milk flavor. If you prefer you can substitute vanilla for cinnamon or not add anything extra.
  • Wait until it starts to boil and then remove the lemon wedge and lower the heat
  • Add the chocolate in pieces and stir until all the chocolate is melted and integrated into the mixture, which should already be a bit thick. Then add the butter and keep stirring until it melts and joins the rest of the ingredients.
  • If the chocolate mixture is too thick, you can add a little more milk.
  • On the other hand, place the cup of milk in a large bowl, next to the mold where you will make the cookie and chocolate cake. So, go soaking the Maria cookies one by one and form a base of wet cookies in the cake mold.

Trick: The cookies should simply be moistened, do not soak them too much so they do not break.

  • Add a layer of chocolate cream on top of this base and repeat the process adding layers of moist cookies and chocolate until you finish the ingredients. The final layer should be chocolate and you can decorate with grated coconut, chocolate chips or some chopped cookies.
  • Reserve the easy chocolate cake in the fridge for about 3-4 hours until it sets and solidifies a bit.
  • Serve and enjoy this delicious cold chocolate dessert, you’ll see how everyone will want to repeat with one more piece of the easy chocolate and cookie cake.

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