Easy Catalan Cream Cake Recipe

Catalan cream, a typical Catalan dessert, is usually eaten on Saint Joseph’s Day on March 19, although now it is eaten all year round. What differentiates this easy Catalan cream tart from a custard is the toasted or burnt sugar that gives it a very good caramel flavor. Currently, many variants of this recipe are made, but the one I have prepared in this article is the same as always, only in the form of a cake. It’s great!

Ingredients to make easy Catalan cream cake:

  1. 1 package of short crust pastry
  2. 300 milliliters of liquid cream
  3. 150 milliliters of milk
  4. 4 units of egg yolks
  5. 80 grams of sugar
  6. 25 grams of cornmeal (cornstarch)
  7. 25 grams of wheat flour
  8. 1 cinnamon stick
  9. 1 piece of lemon peel

How to make Easy Catalan Cream Tart:

  • We prepare all the ingredients. We turn on the oven at 180 ºC.
  • We prepare a removable mold of 24 cm. We put the short crust pastry tightly around it and cut the excess around the edges.
  • Prick the short crust pastry, leave the sheet of paper that comes with this and put some legumes on top, the ones you have, can be chickpeas or beans. We put in the oven 15 minutes.
  • We put a saucepan with the milk to heat with the lemon peel and the cinnamon. Let’s remove
  • In a bowl we put the yolks with half the sugar, and beat.
  • In the same bowl where we have the eggs, we put the cream, mix and add the two flours, mixing well so that there are no lumps.
  • We will gradually add this mixture to the milk and without stopping stirring.
  • We will stir the Catalan cream cake mixture until it begins to thicken, then we will remove from the heat before it begins to boil.
  • We let the Catalan cream warm, we put a transparent film glued so that a layer does not form and we leave it in the fridge.
  • After 15 minutes, we take the dough out of the oven, remove the legumes and put the dough back in the oven until it is golden, another 10 minutes. When it’s ready, take it out and let it cool.
  • Fill the short crust pastry with Catalan cream.
  • Cover the Catalan cream cake with the other half of the sugar and toast everything with a burner.
  • This step of burning the sugar must be done just before serving the easy Catalan cream cake because if we do it a long time before the sugar melts. That happened to me. And ready to eat!

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