Easy and tasty vegetable puree recipe

Vegetables are essential ingredients in our kitchens. They allow us to prepare healthy dishes that provide a large amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals to our diet. One of the easiest ways to serve and combine vegetables is by preparing a delicious puree. The best thing about this recipe is that you can add or change ingredients to your liking, taking advantage of seasonal vegetables and leftover vegetables from other preparations. As a result, you will get a very striking and colorful dish that will vary depending on the ingredients you use and their quantities. A vegetable puree is an easy, healthy option that is low in calories and saturated fat, perfect for people who want to take care of themselves and/or lose weight, and also for those who want to include more vegetables in their diet.

Ingredients to make easy and tasty Vegetable Puree:

  • 2 carrots
  • 1 cup cauliflower florets
  • 1 large jar
  • 1 cup chard
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 onion
  • 3 potatoes
  • 300 grams of pumpkin
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 2 cups of water (480 milliliters)

How to make easy and tasty Vegetable Puree:

  1. Wash, peel if necessary and cut all the vegetables into medium pieces.
  2. Place all the vegetables in a pot with enough capacity. You can use a conventional pot or a pressure cooker to make vegetable puree quickly and easily.
  3. Add the water, a splash of oil and the salt. Cook the vegetables until soft for 20-30 minutes. If after cooking the vegetables release too much broth, remove a part so that the purée does not remain too liquid later. You can use the leftover vegetable broth to prepare other recipes by freezing it in an ice bucket. For example, it is ideal for cooking delicious rice with vegetables.
  4. Tip: If you make the vegetable puree in a pressure cooker, try to heat the water while you cut the vegetables, so once they are placed in the pot you only have to cover it and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Mash the vegetables in the pot with an electric hand mixer.
  6. Keep grinding the vegetables until you get a thick, smooth and lump-free cream, like the one seen in the picture. Also, to ensure that your vegetable puree has no chunks, you can always strain it.
  7. Pour the puree into plates and serve hot as a first course. As you can see, it is an easy, traditional and very tasty vegetable puree recipe, ideal for any time of the year and perfect for enjoying a very low-calorie dish.
  8. As an option, serve the vegetable puree with a few tablespoons of unsweetened vegetable yogurt, a little caramelized onion and roasted nuts to add a crispy touch to the puree. It is true that these ingredients, especially the caramelized onion, can increase the calories of the dish, however, you can always compensate for this increase with the rest of the meals.

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