Easy and light eggplant tart recipe

Unlike the traditional eggplant cake, which is made by layering sliced ​​eggplant, the cake is made from puff pastry. The result is a crunchy and soft bite at the same time, since it combines the texture of the baked puff pastry with that of the vegetables in the filling. To enhance its flavor, we have decided to prepare a delicious and very simple tomato sauce, as well as to include two types of cheese. However, at the end we indicate how to substitute these ingredients to make a lighter version.

This cake is ideal for those who love vegetables, since it lends itself to including as many as we want. Likewise, it is an ideal dish for an informal dinner, because it is fast and delicious. Do not miss the step by step that we show and discover how to make eggplant cake.

Ingredients to make easy and light eggplant tart:

  • 2 eggplants
  • 1 piece of fresh mozzarella cheese
  • 1 sheet of puff pastry
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 can of crushed tomato
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 egg

How to make easy and light eggplant tart:

Wash and cut the aubergines. To make this vegetable cake, it is recommended to cut the aubergines into 1 cm thick slices. Once cut, we put them on a plate, salt them and leave them for 30 minutes to sweat.

In a frying pan, put the crushed tomato with the tablespoons of oil, a little pepper, and salt to taste, and let it cook for about 20 minutes over medium heat. It has to reduce and run out of water. We can also make our own tomato and onion sauce with natural tomato. Likewise, another option is to make a whole aubergine and tomato tart, cutting them into slices and adding them in the following steps.

When the aubergines are ready, wash them and put a pan on the heat with a little oil. Once hot, brown the aubergine slices on both sides.

Now that we have all the ingredients for the filling ready, the time has come to assemble the eggplant tart. To do this, we take a mold, put the puff pastry so that it covers both the base and the walls and prick the dough with a fork. Then, we put a layer of eggplant.

Trick: The mold we have used is about 20 cm in diameter.

Then, we place a layer of tomato and distribute mozzarella cheese on top. Again, we add a layer of eggplant, tomato and cheese. We continue like this until we run out of ingredients. If you have opted for whole tomatoes instead of tomato sauce, you should simply layer tomato slices on top of the aubergines.

The last layer will be eggplant and sprinkle grated cheese on it to taste. With the edges of the puff pastry we cover a little the dough around it. We beat the egg and with a kitchen brush we paint the puff pastry so that the aubergine tart is left with a bright and crunchy touch.

With the oven preheated to 180 ºC, we bake the eggplant tart until golden brown. Depending on the power of the oven it will take more or less, but 10-15 minutes will be enough. When it is golden, we take it out and serve it.

This is a simple eggplant tart recipe, however, we can add other vegetables to the list of ingredients to make it more complete.

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