Easy and light eggplant burgers recipe

Surprise! These delicious vegetarian burgers do not contain meat but…, eggplant! The texture of this meat is very juicy and the smoky flavor of the vegetables gives it a unique and irresistible touch.

This wonderful recipe is very simple and exquisite. A culinary alternative, perfect for anyone who wants healthy and tasty proposals at lunchtime. We invite you to follow the step by step of this simple preparation to discover how to make eggplant burgers.

Ingredients to make easy and light eggplant burgers:

  • 1 large eggplant
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 eggs
  • 75 grams of oatmeal or breadcrumbs
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (extra virgin)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bunch of parsley

How to make Light and Easy Eggplant Burgers:

To cook vegetables there are several alternatives: baked, grilled or grilled. If you do not have any of the above options, you can place them one by one on the kitchen burner and apply high heat. Wait until they are black and put them in a bag for 20 minutes. After the time, remove the vegetables, remove the black part under the tap and reserve.

If you opt for the oven, place the vegetables on a metal tray on the highest level. Apply heat up and down. Place the temperature at 250 degrees, for approximately 45 minutes. Stretch absorbent paper on the counter and place the vegetables there, so all the water will drain while they reach room temperature. Once cold it will be very easy to remove the skin. Booking.

Tip: The important thing is to achieve a smoky flavor in the vegetables.

Cut the vegetables very finely, reserve. You can also sauté them in a pan, until you achieve a tender texture. If you feel like adding other vegetables to the eggplant burgers, you can do that too.

Place the vegetables in a large bowl. Add the garlic and parsley following the measurements or to taste.

Add the two eggs. Season with salt and pepper. If the eggplant burgers are for children, remove the pepper. Stir until all the ingredients of our vegetarian eggplant burgers are integrated.

Add the oatmeal or breadcrumbs to the preparation. Integrate very well, until all the ingredients are unified. Let the mixture rest for 20 minutes. Over time you can detect if you need more oats or not, it all depends on the density of the preparation. If it sticks to your hands or is very wet, add more oatmeal but little by little until you achieve the desired consistency.

Tip: When the preparation rests, the oatmeal or breadcrumbs swell and absorb the moisture from the vegetables.

With your hands form several balls. Then he flattens each one with his palms into the shape of a hamburger. If you wish, after preparing them you can bread them with oatmeal or breadcrumbs.

Tip: Preferably use a non-stick pan.

Preheat a frying pan with a little oil, add the aubergine burgers and cook on each side until golden brown. If you breaded the burgers, add a little more oil. Remember to place them later on absorbent paper to drain the fat.

On this occasion the hamburger is quite light, so he opts for a minimum amount of oil to cook them. Ideal for anyone who prefers healthier food. What an exquisite recipe for eggplant burgers!

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