Easy and Economical Puff Pastry Recipe

Do you like puff pastry recipes? Well, we teach you how to prepare puff pastry easily step by step and with the tricks you need to know to get puff pastry with the perfect texture and flavor.

This type of homemade preparation is one of the most difficult to make. It is a basic dough that is worked, butter is added, it is folded and stretched, and then it is allowed to cool and the same process is repeated again to integrate the fat evenly, and then when baked it is left in thin layers. Crispy that break when you bite into the puff pastry.

But don’t worry because with this easy and cheap puff pastry recipe (in which we tell you all the secrets for making good puff pastry) you can make all kinds of dishes, both sweet and savory. And also, in the last step you will find a list with our recommendations. Try it!

Ingredients to make easy and cheap puff pastry:

  • 500 grams of wheat flour
  • 500 grams of butter
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 cup of cold water

How to make cheap and easy puff pastry:

1 To begin with, you must pre-list all the ingredients of the easy and economical puff pastry recipe to proceed with its preparation. It is important to remember that this preparation requires time, so pay attention to each of its steps and keep in mind that a good puff pastry is made with the same amount of flour and butter.

2 Place the wheat flour in a bowl where we are going to start making our easy puff pastry dough. Add the salt and try to make a kind of crown/volcano in the middle with the flour.

3 Add the very cold water in the center of the crown and start mixing until it forms a dough that can be kneaded with your hands.

4 It is important that the butter is at room temperature. Cut into medium squares and reserve them to be able to integrate it into our puff pastry dough.

5 Flour a flat surface and stretch the dough with the help of a rolling pin. Add about two or three squares of butter in the center and wrap them with the dough.

Fold the dough over the margarine covering it completely and stretch again, adding flour on the table and on the dough and so on until all the butter is completely integrated. Reserve the freshly made puff pastry in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

6 Now comes the most important thing, which are the turns of our puff pastry, which gives it its characteristic texture and layers. There is the simple turn and the double turn which consists of folding the dough on itself about 3 times.

Then roll out the dough again creating another rectangle and fold another 3 times. Put in the fridge another 30 minutes.

Trick: It is important that you make these folds since they are the layers of the traditional puff pastry, which repeats this process up to 6 times.

7 Once ready as we see in the photo, we can stretch it and make any type of sweet or salty preparation, such as puff pastry for empanadas or pizza for example.

8 In this case I give an example of a recipe with puff pastry step by step such as vole-au- vents stuffed with prawns as seen in the photo.

9 Once the easy and economical puff pastry is ready, we can use it to make multiple preparations. Let us remember that the most important thing about this dough is the turns that are made in it, since in this way the layers found in the puff pastry are formed.

How to make the perfect puff pastry

Preparing puff pastry by hand is much more laborious than making other types of dough because it is considered one of the most difficult to master in the kitchen, but we are sure that if you follow this puff pastry recipe step by step, you will surely get the perfect preparation because as you well know, the secrets to making a good puff pastry lie in the thin layers that are formed when it is broken in the mouth with delicacy.

A fundamental step when making the classic puff pastry is to let the dough cool down as it is stretched, as in this way the starches swell, the dough softens and the layers of butter end up joining completely. Therefore, to obtain an optimal result, it is recommended to let the puff pastry cool for 1 hour before putting it in the oven in the refrigerator.

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