Dulce de leche ice cream recipe

Dulce de leche is one of the most popular desserts in Latin America, especially in countries like Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. It is the result of cooking milk and sugar for a couple of hours so that it takes on a roasted color similar to coffee and becomes incredibly sweet, creamy and exquisite.

Dulce de leche can be used with virtually any sweet or pastry recipe. In general, it is used to fill sponge cakes, dip pancakes, make pastries, and more, but this time we are going to make a recipe for dulce de leche ice cream that will shine on its own without the need for more accompaniments. Without using machines or ice cream makers, in this article we will teach you how to make homemade dulce de leche ice cream easily and quickly. Go for it!

Ingredients to make dulce de leche ice cream:

  • 150 milliliters of whipping cream with 35% fat
  • 2 Greek yogurts (without sugar)
  • 300 grams of dulce de leche
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla essence

How to make dulce de leche ice cream:

  1. Pour the ingredients into a blender or hand blender.
  2. Add the essence of vanilla and stir until everything is unified and you see that it has a very creamy texture.
  3. If you don’t have dulce de leche at home, in Free Recipes we teach you how to make dulce de leche.
  4. Place the dulce de leche ice cream mixture in a container. If possible, use a pyrex glass or metal container.
  5. Cover on top with film and put the homemade ice cream in the freezer for at least a day.
  6. Tip: You can also use a Tupperware container, but the ice cream will take longer to form.
  7. Serve your homemade dulce de leche ice cream as you like, you can make ice cream balls or cut it into sheets to accompany it with sandwich-type ice cream cookies.
  8. Here we have served it with some chocolate waffle triangles, they are delicious!


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