Dough Recipe for Galician Empanada

If you have tried a good Galician empanada, you know that the secret is not only in the filling but also in the dough. At this article, we show you how to prepare a dough for a Galician empanada in a traditional way and with simple steps. Do not be afraid to prepare your own homemade dough and dare with this famous Spanish recipe!

Ingredients to make dough for Galician empanada:

  • 250 grams of flour
  • 112 grams of sunflower oil
  • ½ dessert spoon of salt
  • 112 grams of milk
  • 1 unit of Egg

How to make Galician empanada dough:

We gather the ingredients to make the dough for Galician empanada. In a bowl, add the flour and salt, mix and form a volcano, leaving a hole in the center. In the center of the volcano we put the egg and begin to move with a wooden spoon. Mix these ingredients with enveloping movements, incorporating the flour little by little. Then add the oil and stir a little more. Right after we add the milk and continue stirring until all the flour is incorporated into the liquid elements. If the spoon sticks too much, it’s best to mix with your hands to form a firm dough. We leave the dough in the form of a ball in the bowl, cover it and let it rest for 15 minutes. After that time, the dough is passed to a flat and clean surface, and cut in half. Each of the halves will be the base and lid for the empanada.

Stretch the dough with a rolling pin and place it on a baking tray lined with non-stick paper. It is time to fill the empanada with the typical ingredients of the Galician empanada.

  • Galician tuna empanada
  • Galician vegetable empanada

After filling the dough, it is covered, hydrated with a little beaten egg and put in the oven until golden brown. This delicious and simple Galician empanada dough makes the difference when preparing an authentic artisan empanada.

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