Dog Sandwich Recipe

The best recipes are those that are easy and delicious at the same time. And if we add to this that they are aimed at the children of the house, even better. Sometimes typical meals become boring and we must give them a complete turn so that they continue to eat, because on this occasion we bring you this recipe for a sandwich in the shape of a puppy so that you continue to surprise the children of the house or even serve them at their parties as appetizers.

Ingredients to make Dog-shaped Sandwich:

  • 3 slices of whole meal bread
  • 1 slice of white bread
  • 2 slices of chopped ham
  • 1 piece of white cheese
  • 10 grams of butter

How to make Doggie Sandwich:

1 The first thing you should do is get all the ingredients ready.

2 Place the ham on the buns and cut the edges, the three ingredients must be the same size.

3 Then, we are going to cut the piece of white bread with an oval shape simulating the dog’s snout. On the other hand, we take the third slice of whole meal bread and cut the ears as diamonds of the same size. Take a look at the image.

4 In a frying pan with a little butter, place the ham sandwich and brown on both sides.

5 Finally, with the cheese make the eyes and with a little bit of ham the tongue, the nose is a tiny grape, remember that everything you place must be edible. The snout and ears have been glued to the sandwich with a bit of butter. Serve and surprise the children with this delicious puppy – shaped sandwich and accompany it with a chocolate milkshake.

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