Does rice make you fat or lose weight?

Rice is considered the most consumed cereal on the planet (since time immemorial).  Thanks to this food, thousands of people avoid hunger worldwide and benefit from its powerful nutrients. This cereal is the fundamental basis of the daily diet, in most of the countries of Asia and South America. In addition, it is also part of the world diet at different levels.

However, when it comes to considering a diet, myths always arise around this energetic cereal. Questions such as: “does rice make you fat?”, “does eating rice at night make you fat?”, “is rice fattening more than pasta?” haunt our heads, with every bite. If you know these myths and want to lose weight without giving up this nutritious cereal, keep reading and you will see what is true in all this, because we explain if rice makes you fat or lose weight.

Does rice make you fat?

In the West there is a widespread myth that rice makes you fat, however, in Southeast Asia it is a basic food in the daily diet. Interestingly, do you remember many obese people from that part of the world? Of course they exist, but they are not the majority of the population. In fact, the people of these places have a very slim build, enjoy enviable health, many look younger than their chronological ages, and… enjoy great longevity! All this product of their lifestyle and eating habits.

Perhaps the myth about rice as an anti-dietary food arises from the fact that this popular cereal is a food with a large amount of carbohydrates, that is, a powerful source of energy. Certainly, if we consume more energy than we require, it is stored and we gain weight. However, we know that without energy we cannot live, in fact, carbohydrates (also present in vegetables, fruits and legumes) are essential in our diet, like gasoline for a vehicle.

Oh! But we cannot forget that in addition to the large amount of carbohydrates, rice has proteins and other important nutrients for the body. Of course, this also depends on the variety of rice. So, is rice fattening?

Well, let’s remember the citizens of Southeast Asia, where rice is vital in the daily meal. Did you know that the percentage of obesity in this population is below 10%? You may think that it is due to genetics but no, the diet of these people is decisive in these statistics.

By now, I’m sure you have an idea of ​​what the answer to the mythological question is, but let’s dig a little more about it anyway.

According to scientific data, both organizations specialized in the prevention of obesity, they state that people who eat more than half of their daily calories in the form of complex carbohydrates suffer less from obesity. Sounds strange right? But it’s true.

So, rice is fattening yes or no, well…, no! Rice is not fattening, on the contrary, it can benefit you when it comes to losing weight but (yes, there is a bit), as long as you consider the following aspects when consuming it:

  • Consume a dose proportional to the energy spent during the day, so you don’t store those extra calories in the body. This also applies to other foods.
  • Choose good food combinations when preparing rice. He prefers healthy combinations, for example fish and vegetables, a practice that should be repeated with all foods.
  • He prefers brown rice, as it slows down its absorption into the blood, which keeps blood sugar levels level. In addition, brown rice, unlike refined rice (white rice), has a higher proportion of nutrients and a greater amount of fiber.
  • Your genetics can influence the absorption of food, in these case carbohydrates.  Interestingly, there are people whose bodies do not properly digest carbohydrates. This happens because they produce less aminalase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down food in the mouth and responsible for properly breaking down carbohydrates. Consequently, these people are more prone to obesity.
  • Beware of drastic diets, where carbohydrates are reduced too much or eliminated completely. This is not recommended, because to enjoy good health our body needs to consume carbohydrates. Keep in mind that this substance is transformed in the blood into glucose, the main food of the brain.

How many calories does rice have?

We have already seen that rice does not make you fat, unless you consume more than the body is capable of spending, but how many calories does rice have? For many people, this information is of crucial importance if they are to consume a limited daily number of calories. Well, the calories in rice are as follows:

  • Cooked rice calories: 130 calories per 100 grams of product.
  • Brown rice calories: 111 calories per 100 grams of product (cooked).
  • Basmati rice calories: 120 calories per 100 grams of product (cooked).
  • Yamani rice calories: 350 calories per 100 grams of product (cooked).

Does rice make you fat at night?

Solved the first myth about rice, we move on to the second most popular, rice makes you very fat at night… is it true?

As we already know, at night the body slows down, as the body prepares for rest and relaxes. In addition, during the night our physical activity decreases considerably, since most of the work and daily activities are carried out during the day. If you choose to consume a food rich in carbohydrates during the night and store that energy, you will not wear it out since your body will soon go to rest and the body will store it (preventively) in the form of fat. Result? It will put a few extra pounds on you, after a few weeks.

In the case of rice, this happens precisely. However, if you consume a moderate dose, prepare it as a side dish (maximum 40 grams) and choose brown rice, you will continue to stay in shape without any problem.

In conclusion? Although rice is more beneficial during lunch (because the body is in full activity), it does not make you fat at night if you consume it moderately, like any other food. At night, carbohydrates should be consumed in moderation due to their great contribution of energy that you will not burn. Likewise, and although rice does not make you fat at night if you eat the maximum amount indicated, it is true that there are other sources of carbohydrates that are much more recommended to end the day, such as vegetables and fruits. If you prepare rice for dinner, accompany it with very light foods, such as fish, turkey, chicken and vegetables. In short, if you consume rice moderately, during the night, it will not make you fat. Myth solved!

Is rice fattening more than pasta?

Both rice and pasta is famous for being fattening, for this reason most people discard these foods when starting a diet. We already know that rice is not fattening but… is it fatter than pasta?

A simple observation exercise could help us. Let’s imagine that we compare the nutritional tables of both carbohydrates and break it down. The result would be the following:

  • Both carbohydrates have the same caloric value. Rice contains 130 calories per 100 g and pasta 131 per 100 g of product (both cooked). In the case of pasta this varies a bit, depending on the type of pasta.
  • Neither pasta nor rice contains fat. For this reason, none of these foods causes obesity by itself, in reality it all depends on how you prepare it; accompany it, the time of consumption and the portion. For example, avoid saturated fats (butter, mayonnaise, etc.) when serving rice.
  • Pasta(5 grams of fiber per 100 grams of product) contains more fiber than white rice (1.40 g per 100 grams of product) and even brown rice (2.2 g per 100 grams of product). More fiber means better intestinal transit, better digestion and satiety for longer, although there are those who differ in this regard, since they consider that rice satisfies more due to its water content. This also depends on whether the food is whole grain or not. That is, brown rice against common pasta, brown rice will win. Brown rice and brown pasta, pasta will win. White rice versus regular pasta, pasta is preferable.

What is better pasta or rice?

Now it’s time to choose… pasta or rice? Although, in general, people are more suspicious of pasta as a food implicated in weight gain and consider rice somewhat lighter because it does not contain gluten, things are not as simple as they seem. Between the two, the choice is very even; however, because it contains more fiber and nutrients, pasta wins, in this case. Again, we remember that both products must be at the same level to decide, that is, either both are common or both are integral. In this way, we repeat, if you have one of these whole-grain products in your pantry, always opt for the whole-grain version because it is healthier.

Back to our third question, is pasta or rice fattening more? The definitive answer is neither is fattening more, both have the same caloric loads but when choosing between two foods; it is always preferable to the one that contains more nutrients and more fiber. In other words, pasta is more effective for the diet, although it seems incredible. This battle was won by pasta!

What type of rice is less fattening?

Now, we already know that rice is not fattening, we do not gain extra kilos by consuming it at night (in both cases, as long as we consume it in moderation), and if we talk about rice compared to pasta, neither of them is more fattening than rice. Another, however, pasta is more beneficial in slimming diets.

However, another question arises, given the wide variety of types of rice that exist, which rice is more appropriate for losing weight? In principle, it is interesting to know how this great variety is divided: round short grain, medium grain (hybrid) and long grain (indicia). I invite you to continue reading, so you will know everything about this interesting topic.

1. White or polished rice (short grain)

The famous white rice, the best known and consumed among rice. Its price is quite accessible in grocery stores and it is easily obtained, perhaps for this reason its popularity.  Although this kind of rice contains certain nutrients, it is not the most nutritious of the varieties, as it loses 85% of its nutrients (vitamins, fiber and a large percentage of minerals) during the refining process. Why does this happen? Because during this procedure the grain is husked and polished, leaving almost only the endosperm, an element that is largely made up of starch.

So, is this type of rice suitable for dietary regimens? It is not the most advisable to lose weight among the varieties of this cereal, as it contains much less nutrients and fiber than others. Preferably, opt for brown rice, which represents more nutrients and purifying qualities, perfect to help you lose weight.

2. Brown rice

The popularity of brown rice is well known among the different currents of vegetarianism that exist, fame achieved for its powerful nutritional benefits and for the feeling of satiety that it provokes. This cereal is characterized by the absence of shell and by maintaining the pericarp (outermost layer of the grain). For this reason, it retains all its nutrients: selenium, iron and B group vitamins and plenty of fiber (essential for slowly absorbing carbohydrates).

If you were also wondering if brown rice makes you fat, the answer is no, because it provides a lot of fiber and many nutrients. Fiber is particularly important for the diet, as it produces satiety, regulates sugars in the body, prevents carbohydrates from turning into fat and keeps the digestive system healthy. In other words, brown rice is ideal for losing weight, in all its presentations and especially certain variants.

3. Red rice

This type of whole grain serves both in the kitchen and naturopathic medicine, as it levels blood sugar and controls cholesterol (thanks to monocline). Red rice is commonly seen in Asian countries, where it is part of the daily diet.

The color of this cereal is produced thanks to the fermentation of brown rice together with a class of yeast known as Meniscus Pursuers (monocline). This kind of rice has the benefits of whole grain products, but adding the contributions from monocline, among which we can mention:

  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Lowers bad LDL cholesterol.
  • Controls the creation of new fatty material in the blood.

Is red rice good for weight loss? More than good…, excellent! You just need to combine it properly.

4. Black rice, venerate or no one

Perhaps you have hardly heard of black rice or emperor rice, because although it is well known in China, in Europe and America it is considered a delicatessen or gourmet food, since it is difficult to acquire. However, it is currently in vogue among people who want a healthy life and better nutrition (vegetarians, vegans, athletes and others). What is this about? Due to the high vegetable protein content of black rice (even 10 grams per 100 grams of product) and, in addition, it has 4 times more iron than the rest of the rice. Do you want more? Add to this all the nutrients of brown rice. Without a doubt, perfect for a balanced vegetarian or vegan diet.

But…, does black or venerate rice benefit us in slimming diets? Without a doubt, because it contains more nutritional contributions and fiber than the rest of the rice variants that exist, definitely, the monarch of rice!

5. Wild black rice

Wild black rice comes from North America, specifically Canada. This variety of rice contains twice as much protein as normal rice, which is why it is highly recommended when following a slimming diet. Among its benefits is providing the body with a lot of energy, in addition to fighting digestive problems such as gastritis and colitis.

Is it recommended to lose a few extra pounds? Another favorite, for its great nutritional contributions.

6. Parboiled rice

Parboiled rice contains important nutrients for the body such as iron and vitamin B.

Is parboiled rice beneficial for weight loss? Yes, however there is other more nutritious and beneficial ones to keep you in line.

7. Basmati rice

The aromatic basmati rice is native to India and Pakistan. This white rice, which is characterized by its long grain, contains less starch than other varieties, in addition to abundant fiber (insoluble) and magnesium, all of this in favor of keeping glucose level, something very beneficial in diabetics. Another advantage of this type of rice? It reduces the amount of sodium in the daily diet, which is why it is perfect for improving cases of hypertension and fluid retention. If we talk about nutrients, this rice contains vitamins (E, K and several from group B), abundant phosphorus and 8 essential amino acids. The ideal foods to combine basmati rice in a healthy diet? Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and healthy proteins (lean meats).

In addition to these types of rice, there is long-grain white rice or India variety, biological rice, Thai, Calasparra, among others.

Tip: Prefer brown rice, as they are less fattening and more nourishing.

Can you lose weight by eating rice?

Rice is a complex carbohydrate that the body absorbs slowly, which allows energy and satiety to last longer. Therefore, it is ideal when you want to lose weight. In addition, if it is a question of losing weight by eating this cereal, the most advisable thing is that it be whole grain, as it is more nutritious and digestive. On the other hand, rice is versatile, simple to prepare and together with vegetables it can make eating much easier during diets to keep you slim. In fact, there are slimming diets where rice is included or is the main element (the rice diet), along with other very specific foods. So, rice does not make you fat and, accompanied by the right foods, can even benefit you in losing weight, as it keeps your body healthy, nourished and without great sacrifices. It is also a versatile and delicious food!

If we talk specifically about the rice diet, it can be noted that among its benefits is the control of the glycemic index, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying power of the body. In this diet you can only consume 800 calories a day, for this reason it lasts 3 days and a maximum of 9 days. It is important to note that, as it is a very restrictive diet (it is a low-calorie and low-protein diet), it can cause fatigue and lack of concentration. For this reason, it is performed in very short periods, with prior medical consultation. Here is an example of the menu:

  • Breakfast: homemade cream of rice (boiled and beaten rice) to which you add 1 tablespoon of honey and accompany it with a fruit.
  • Lunch:70 grams of rice and vegetables (to taste), ½ tablespoon of olive oil.

Tip: Remember: before starting any diet, consult your doctor.

Combinations with less caloric rice?

We already know that rice (especially brown) is not fattening, however if you want it to be your ally when it comes to losing weight, you must know how to choose the foods that accompany it. It is best to combine rice with healthy products that burn fat (preferably vegetables and fruits), for example: legumes, lean cheeses, white and blue fish, lean meat (particularly turkey and chicken), quinoa, and amaranth, among others. Foods that are not recommended to combine with rice are: butter, sausages, sugar, sweets, alcohol, etc.

Tip: For athletes, a good source of carbohydrates is essential.

Healthy recipes to lose weight with rice

If you were left with the desire to try a healthy recipe with rice, here are some good recommendations for you to try all its slimming benefits and enjoy yourself:

Curry rice


  • 2 cups of cooked rice
  • 80g onion
  • 180g tofu
  • curry to taste
  • Sesame seeds
  • Salt and pepper

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