Diuretic Juice with Parsley

Ingredients to make diuretic juice with parsley:

  1. 1 bunch of Parsley
  2. 2 units of Carrot
  3. 1 glass of water
  4. 3 drops of lemon juice

How to make diuretic juice with parsley:

  • Making this recipe to lose weight is very easy, the first thing you have to do is wash the parsley. To do this, soak the bunch in a bowl of cold water and shake, this will cause all the remains of soil and other residues to remain at the bottom of the bowl. Drain very well and reserve.
  • Separately, also wash the carrots and cut into pieces, so it will be easier to blend. If you have a juice extractor, you don’t need to cut them, just cleaning them well will be enough.
  • Finally add the parsley together with the carrots and the glass of water in the blender and blend for about 5 minutes or until it has been completely blended. The drops of lemon juice are optional, you can use lemon or orange juice, and strong citrus fruits like lemon enhance the flavor of the rest of the ingredients in green smoothies or diuretic juices.
  • Pass the mixture through a fine strainer to discard the solids and obtain a clean and completely liquid juice. Repeat the casting process as many times as necessary. Remember not to add any sugar, keep in the fridge and drink a glass of diuretic carrot juice every two days to cleanse your body and reduce fluid retention.

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