Diplomatic Cream Recipe

What is diplomatic cream? Diplomatic cream, widely used in confectionery, is a cream that serves both as an accompaniment for desserts and as fillings, whether in profiteroles, to fill cakes, as a base for ice cream…, we can even prepare a delicious diplomatic cream pie. Very complete and delicious, this homemade cream is still a mix between pastry cream and Chantilly. On this occasion, we give you a very complete recipe, without the need to make the pastry cream on the one hand and the Chantilly cream on the other, so, in one go, you will have your diplomatic cream.

Another of the qualities of this cream is that it uses gelatin to give it more consistency but, at the same time, it remains creamy and airy. In this article we have all the keys to obtain a perfect cream, we go with the detailed step by step that will teach us how to prepare the diplomatic cream.

Ingredients to make Diplomatic Cream:

  • 3 sheets of gelatin
  • 250 grams of milk
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 50 grams of sugar (¼ cup)
  • 1 dessert spoon cornstarch
  • 25 grams of butter
  • 200 grams of whipping cream

How to make Diplomatic Cream:

  1. To start making our homemade diplomatic cream, we are going to hydrate the gelatin sheets in water. If you want, you can use agar-agar instead.
  2. Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape one of the halves well to obtain all the seeds that, later, we will add to a pot with the milk.
  3. We put the preparation on the fire and, just when it boils, remove it, cover and let it infuse for five minutes.
  4. Trick: For these quantities we will use only half a vanilla pod.
  5. In a bowl we put the egg yolks together with the sugar and cornstarch, and mix well so that there are no lumps of cornstarch.
  6. Remove the vanilla pod from the milk, take a ladle of infused milk and add it to the egg yolks while stirring with a whisk so that the yolks do not curdle with the heat of the milk.
  7. Add another scoop and keep stirring to continue making the diplomatic cream.
  8. We pour the yolks into the potand put it back on the heat, which has to be soft. We remove with the rods so that it does not stick until the cream thickens.
  9. Remove the pot from the heat, add the chopped butter and mix well until completely dissolved.
  10. Drain the gelatin sheets that we had hydrating and add them one by one to the diplomatic cream while stirring well.
  11. Transfer the cream to another bowl so that it cools beforehand. We have to use it again warm, not cold, so that it does not curdle completely due to the gelatin
  12. While the cream is warming up, we mount the cream with the help of some electric rods. We mount it very firmly. It should be noted that cream is also known as milk cream.
  13.  For the cream to mount properly, it must be very cold.
  14. Little by little, we add the cream to the whipped cream and mix it gently so that we have a smooth and creamy diplomatic cream.
  15. Once the cream is integrated, we take it to the fridge to cool.
  16. If we are going to use it as a filling for cakes or to decorate, we can put it directly in a pastry bag and let it cool in the fridge inside it.
  17. I have used it to accompany a cake and I have served it separately so that each diner has the desired amount.


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