Diet to lose 5 kilos

If you want to know how is a diet to lose 5 kilos in a healthy way and eating in a balanced way so that, in addition to losing weight, you also learn healthy lifestyle habits that are perpetuated over time and thus avoid the rebound effect, do not miss this article where we are not only going to show you what eating habits a diet to lose 5 kilos is based on, but we are also going to show you an example of a daily menu to lose 5 kilos  gradually and in a healthy way, with which you do not expect that in 3 or 5 days, or in one or two weeks you can lose that weight.

The ideal in these cases is always that you go to a nutritionist, dietitian or specialist doctor to study your current health situation and prescribe a diet to lose 5 kilos adapted only to you, but in this article we are going to show you a series of key steps to follow in general, even if you are not on a weight loss plan, to know how to lose 5 kilos by eating healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle.

With which, it is possible to go on a diet to lose 5 kilos in a month or two without rebound if you follow these dietary tips, that is, without regaining the weight lost since losing weight gradually (between 1/2 and 1 kg per week) is the healthiest and most recommended, but the time it takes depends on many factors and obviously on each person.

But don’t be discouraged! In this diet to lose weight 5 kilos there are no prohibited foods and others allowed, there are simply a series of general guidelines to follow if you want to lose weight in a healthy way and at your own pace. But logically, there are some that are much more recommended than others that you should avoid at least during the time you are doing the diet so that it is really effective and you get the desired results.

Diet to lose 5 kilos in a week = miracle diet

Going on a diet to lose 5 kilos in a week without rebound and eating healthy is impossible. As you already know, miracle diets are a tale that promises to achieve considerable weight loss in an alarmingly fast way in the person who follows them, without taking into account the nutritional consequences that this type of diet can entail, which is very far from being healthy. And balanced.

If there are no miracle diets, the only healthy way to lose 5 kilos is by following a diet appropriate to the needs of each person, but the common denominator is the caloric deficit. But beware! Caloric deficit does not mean skipping breakfast or dinner to eat fewer calories a day, or stop eating some group of the 3 types of essential macronutrients that our body needs, such as carbohydrates, to make a few days diet. And lose volume fast in an unhealthy way, but it means eating in a balanced way and acquiring healthy eating habits but eating fewer calories than our body needs each day to maintain itself.

The ideal is to go to a medical specialist, nutritionist, dietician or endocrinologist to know exactly how much is the percentage of calories that you need to subtract from your daily intake and thus be able to prescribe a diet that is appropriate to your health and lifestyle but, even so, We are going to teach you a series of general keys to follow and an example of a daily menu to lose 5 kilos in a healthy way.

Vegetables: the protagonists of meals

Surely you have heard it millions of times but to eat healthily and above all, lose weight, vegetables and fruits must be the 2 types of foods most consumed in your day to day.

A good way to include them in a diet to lose 5 kilos in a balanced way is that they are the main dishes of your meals or that they are the protagonists of your combined dishes, that is, that they occupy half or more of the total of your plate if it is that you combine them with other foods. It can be in the form of raw salads or whole fruits (fruits can also be eaten before meals and not only as desserts), soups, creams or cooked, roasted vegetables, etc… But the key is that you get used to eating in this way since they are foods that are very dense in nutrients and in volume and that, in addition to nourishing your body in an incredible way, they also help you fill up earlier because they take up a lot of space in your stomach.

Also, if you drink a glass of water (or more) before you start eating, you will be able to not only hydrate yourself but also occupy part of your stomach with a drink that has no calories but that occupies a lot of volume and that makes the fiber from vegetables and The fruit is hydrated and, therefore, increases even more in volume and we are satisfied sooner.

A good source of quality protein at every meal

According to the idea of ​​a healthy plate, proteins must occupy a fourth portion of it and must be present in each of the daily meals that we make, whether they are main or secondary. These can be of animal origin (such as red or white meat, fish, shellfish, eggs…) or of vegetable origin (legumes, nuts, tofu, tempeh, seaman…) but you always have to try that they are lean and of quality since they are the type of food that takes the longest in our stomach to digest and therefore, it is the one that best avoids cravings or snacking between meals (they are very satiating).

Speaking of hours, it is best to eat every 3 or 4 hours and in small amounts of food, which will vary depending on the time of day you are in, but ideally you should have at least one breakfast, a mid-morning snack , a main meal, a snack and a dinner, so your metabolism will always be working, you will avoid arriving hungry at the next finest you do and you will be able to lose the 5 kilos much more comfortably and without being hungry or anxious about eating.

What you should never do is skip a meal such as breakfast or dinner, because this will only make you arrive hungrier at the next one and give yourself an extra to compensate for those calories that you have not previously eaten and/or snack between meals.

Swap simple carbs for legumes and tubers

Many people when they think about how to lose 5 kilos or more, stop eating the well-known and at the same time feared carbohydrates or carbohydrates automatically comes to mind because, unfortunately, many people still believe that because they are our main source of energy, these they are the ones that are going to reduce the calories of a diet the most, and this is not really the case.

If we eat the right amount of carbohydrates for our physical constitution and, on top of that, these are complex (or slow-absorbing) and whole, in addition to providing energy and calories to our body, they will also be wonderfully nourishing and will help us lose weight in the long run because not be simple (or fast-absorbing) carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice, refined flour, white pasta or refined sugar, our insulin resistance will be improved and we will avoid having spikes or very high blood glucose levels , with which we will reduce cravings for unhealthy food and better distribute our vital energy.

Among the foods rich in complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits (which have already been mentioned above), pasta, flour and whole grains, brown rice, tubers and legumes stand out. The latter contain a very important source of protein but also carbohydrates at the same time, so instead of eating bread, rice or cereals, take legumes and tubers rich in starch such as potatoes, sweet potatoes or cassava, which are high in fiber and therefore they fill you up much more than the rest of simple or refined carbohydrates.

Watch the fats

Fats are one of the 3 essential macronutrients that our body needs to function properly, but when it comes to losing weight, it is recommended to moderate their consumption since they usually contain a lot of calories in a very small proportion of the food. So if you really stick to the diet to lose 5 kilos, consume healthy and quality fats such as vegetable oil, nuts, oily fish, vegetable milk or avocado (you can eat one a day and nothing happens, it’s fruit!). Dairy products are best consumed in moderation since they are not as nutritious for the body as these other foods and they are also very caloric.

Speaking of this, one of the most caloric foods that exist is oil since it contains a whopping 900 calories in 100 ml of product, which is practically equivalent to a daily main meal. With this we do not mean that you have to reduce your consumption to 0 but, do think of all the times you use this product to cook or season food during the day and, if you really want to lose 5 kilos of weight, we recommend that you limit yourself to 2 tablespoons a day in total, both for cooking and for dressing, as well as using light cooking (no fried, candied, sauce, etc.).

Likewise, it is much better to consume nuts whole and not in the form of creams or butters, since they will surely contain added food additives, unless you make them yourself at home, as in this homemade sugar-free peanut butter recipe for example, but they will still always contain more fiber and other nutrients if they are in their natural state than ground. Of course, always choose raw or roasted nuts instead of fried or with salt, otherwise it will not do any good to eat them as a mid-morning or afternoon snack for or as an accompaniment in some recipes, for example.

On the other hand, avoid homemade or store-bought sauces and instead use light dressings to dress your meals such as vinaigrettes (with little oil) or grain or Dijon mustard, which contain very few calories. This homemade mustard vinaigrette recipe is ideal for dieters.

No skipping your diet on the weekends

If you really want to go on a diet to lose 5 kilos in a month, or 2 or as many as you need, you can’t “skip it” on weekends or really on any day, and the grace is that not only do you manage to your goal weight but to change your eating habits and learn how to eat healthy every day.

To do this, avoid cheat meals or cheat meals that are recommended in some types of diets to lose volume fast on weekends because in this case they will not work and, what will actually happen is that you will surely recover almost all the progress that you have achieved so far by satisfying your palate and your stomach momentarily.

That is why it is also recommended that you stay away from obesogenic environments, that is, those places where they sell or serve unhealthy food (you already know which one it is) such as fast food restaurants, candy aisles or industrial pastries from supermarkets, or family gatherings where you know that you are not going to cook the food, for example.

Avoid ultra-processed or light foods and drinks

With regard to unhealthy food, if you want to follow a diet to lose 5 kilos properly, obviously you should avoid ultra-processed foods and drinks, that is, those that are not fresh products or are found naturally in this state, but rather have been processed by the food industry, and to which various foods or additives have been added to preserve their organoleptic characteristics, improve their manufacturing and industrialization process and their subsequent conservation and sale.

Be careful with light or zero products! Because they are not healthy either. They may contain less added sugars or fats but they still have a high percentage of them or of some non-recommended substitute, some are even much more caloric than their original namesakes.

These guidelines also affect drinks in every way, which is why the best option is always to drink water, whatever time it is, and within, during or outside of meals. No matter the time of day, it is always the best option. It is recommended to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water daily, but you do not have to take this strictly because many of the foods that we consume during the day, especially fruits and vegetables, already contain a lot of water. That if you increase its consumption, your body will not need the same water as if you do not consume any food of this type.

It is better not to consume juices (homemade or processed) and soft drinks, since it is always more nutritious for our body to eat the whole fruit and drink, for example, other things such as black coffee, hot or cold tea, sparkling water or infusions of everything Type. Likewise, it should be said that the consumption of alcohol of any kind is not recommended if you want to lose weight, eat healthy or have good health.

Move as much as you can

Whether you are dieting to lose 5 kilos or not, you should avoid a sedentary lifestyle as much as possible because, although sport only influences 30% when it comes to losing weight (70% is a consequence of the food you eat), it is essential for the physical and mental health of our body to keep it active and exercised.

This does not mean that you need to go to the gym for 3 hours every day to play sports, but simply, to combine it with this diet to lose 5 kilos, it would be recommended that you increase your daily physical activity by doing cardiovascular exercises combined with strength exercises if possible to lose fat without losing muscle, or going for a walk, run, walk your pet or any other activity that involves movement and that you like swimming or dancing. The idea is not to kill yourself doing sports but to increase the frequency of what you already did (and if you didn’t do it, do it now) to increase your metabolism and lose the desired weight more quickly.

Rest well

Lack of sleep makes it difficult to lose weight due to an inadequate hormonal environment that is generated in our body every time we sleep poorly or for fewer hours than are recommended for our age. In general, human beings must sleep between 7 and 8 hours to rest adequately and for our body to function properly.

If we sleep poorly we generate cortisol, the stress hormone par excellence, and this prevents fat loss on a regular basis at the metabolic level. Therefore, a good rest is essential when dieting to lose 5 kilos and in general, for our health.

Daily menu to lose weight 5 kilos

This is an example of a daily menu to lose 5 kilos that provides approximately 1500 kcal per day, so you must adapt it to your needs and your lifestyle as it suits you.


  • 1 glass of skimmed milk, vegetable milk or a natural yogurt
  • 50 grams of whole meal bread
  • 30 grams of fat-free turkey, chicken or pork breast ham, Serrano ham or stuffed loin


  • 1 piece of fruit (about 200 grams)
  • 1 handful of nuts


  • Large mixed salad, vegetable soup or cream, or cooked or roasted vegetables (as a main course)
  • 150 grams of pasta, rice, starch or cooked heavy tubers
  • 100 grams of raw heavy animal or vegetable protein (if it is fish or shellfish it is 120 grams)
  • 1 piece of fruit (about 200 grams)

Mid afternoon

  • 1 piece of fruit (about 200 grams)
  • 1 yogurt or 1 glass of skim milk or non-fat milk


  • Cooked or roasted vegetables, or vegetable soup or cream (as a main course)
  • 100 grams of raw heavy animal or vegetable protein (if it is fish or shellfish it is 120 grams)
  • 1 piece of fruit (about 200 grams)

If you prefer a weekly menu to lose 5 kilos, you can take this as an example and vary the lunches and dinners of each day, but not breakfast, mid-morning or mid-afternoon.

Likewise, as we have already mentioned before, use only 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil per day in total both for cooking and to season your meals, drink plenty of water as well as black coffee, teas or infusions instead of juices, light drinks or soft drinks, avoid processed dairy or foods high in simple sugars, and move as much as you can.

Advice: You can modify the foods of the mid-morning or snack intakes, for example, if you do not do them, and add them in the other 3 main meals.

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