Deviled Eggs Recipe for Halloween

Stuffed eggs are a classic as a starter, but this time, we show you how to prepare them for Halloween. As you well know, Halloween is a very popular holiday all over the world and is celebrated in different ways, cooking can be a good alternative.

Do you want to know how to make deviled eggs for Halloween? We show you 3 different decorations so you can choose your favorite or make them all. With a single filling and a few ingredients you will achieve spooky results. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Deviled Eggs for Halloween:

  • 3 eggs
  • ¼ can of natural tuna
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • For the chandelier decoration:
  • 2 black olives
  • For the eye decoration:
  • red vegetable dye
  • 1 black olive
  • For the pumpkin decoration:
  • orange vegetable dye
  • 1 sprig of green

How to make Deviled Eggs for Halloween:

  1. To start preparing this recipe for deviled eggs for Halloween, first cook the eggs.
  2.  To do this, take them to a pot with enough cold water to cover them and cook them for 12 minutes.
  3. Once the time has passed and being careful not to burn yourself, peels the eggs.
  4. Cut them in the middle and remove the yolk.
  5. Mix the egg yolk with the tuna and the homemade or canned mayonnaise.
  6.  Taste it and correct the taste until you like it. For example, you can add more mayonnaise, lemon juice, or mustard.
  7. Separate a part of the filling to make the “pumpkin eggs”. Color the mixture with vegetable coloring.
  8. Trick: you can replace the coloring with a little carrot and pumpkin puree. In this way, you will not only achieve the same color, but you will also incorporate fiber and nutrients from the vegetable.
  9. Fill the eggs and, with the help of the edge of a spoon, make 3 cuts as you see in the image to create the pumpkin effect.
  10. Add a strip of green or green bell pepper to make the cape. You already have one of the possible decorations: pumpkin eggs.
  11. To make the spider decoration cut 1 of the olives down the middle; this will be the body of the spider.
  12. Then, cut the other olive into slices and, in turn, into 4 pieces as you can see in the image. These will be the legs of your spiders!
  13. Fill 2 egg halves and assemble the spiders. List the second option!
  14. Finally, fill the 2 remaining egg halves and, with the help of a kitchen toothpick and red food coloring, make lines in the egg white from the center outwards. With them, you will create the ribs of this dark eye.
  15. Tip: you can replace the food coloring with ketchup or tomato sauce.
  16. Add the tips of the olives to each eye to make the pupil and voila, you have your deviled eggs for Halloween. Happy Halloween!

Nutrition facts for deviled eggs

In addition to being fun, these homemade deviled eggs are very healthy. The protein from the egg and fish provide a lot of satiety, so it will be exquisite as a starter, making one not so hungry when thinking about the main course. In addition, we have incorporated healthy fats from fish, which are very beneficial for cardiovascular health.


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