Detox Green Juice – Lettuce and chayote

Ingredients to make Green detox juice – Lettuce and chayote:

  1. 1 unit of Chayote
  2. 1 unit of Cucumber
  3. 1 cup of spinach
  4. ¼ cup lemon juice
  5. 1 unit of small romaine lettuce

How to make Green detox juice – Lettuce and chayote:

  • Making this green detox juice is very easy. The first step is to wash and cut all the ingredients. Wash the lettuce and spinach leaves very well and cut into more or less small pieces so that they can be crushed more easily. The chayote is also known by the name of Chinese potato.
  • Tip: If you can’t find any of the ingredients, don’t worry, the green detox set will continue to have incredible nutritional and detoxifying properties.
  • Then empty all the vegetables in the blender and blend together with the water and lemon juice. If necessary you can add a little more water. Do not add any sugar or sweeteners as that will detract from the nutritional and detoxifying properties of your green juice.
  • The last step to finish preparing this detox green juice will be to pass the previous mixture through a fine strainer. To do this, use a fine mesh of cloth, such as a cheese cloth or one for straining coffee, empty the juice and let all the liquid drain, squeeze the cloth to get every last drop out.
  • Drink the green detox juice immediately, since after the first 20 minutes the juice begins to lose part of its antioxidant properties. If the flavor seems very strong to you, you can soften it with some fruit such as mango or kiwi. Maintain a healthy diet by combining your detox green juice with some quinoa burgers.

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