Delicious Stewed Chickpeas Recipe

How to prepare stewed chickpeas is what you will learn in this simple and practical recipe. We teach you how to cook chickpeas with assorted vegetables and a chopped one that gives it a unique and incredible flavor, without a doubt, the trick of this chickpea stew! Stewed chickpea recipes are a classic in many cuisines, as they are an economical dish that is nutritious, complete and full of energy. Thus, they are passed from generation to generation, new elaborations are created and different flavors are integrated.

We share a simple but delicious recipe for stewed chickpeas, with peppers, onion, garlic and much more.

Ingredients to make Delicious Stewed Chickpeas:

  • 500 grams of cooked chickpeas
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 bouillon cube or a pinch of salt
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • ½ onion
  • 1 ripe tomato
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 50 milliliters of olive oil
  • 500 milliliters of water
  • ½ red bell pepper

How to make Delicious Stewed Chickpeas:

1 If you are wondering how to cook chickpeas, this recipe is perfect for you. Well, to start with the recipe for stewed chickpeas, first heat the oil and fry the peeled and whole garlic, also add a slice of bread from the day before.

2 When they are golden, remove them and place the garlic and the fried bread in a mortar. Crush both ingredients with a little salt, add the sweet paprika, a little water and continue mixing. Reserve to continue with the recipe for stewed chickpeas.

3 In a saucepan and with the oil you used to fry the garlic, fry the onion and the chopped peppers for approximately 10 minutes. Add the chopped tomato and mix.

Trick: you can add other vegetables, such as carrots, spinach…

4 Add the water, the bouillon cube, the bay leaf and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. After this time, add the minced mortar, the drained chickpeas and cook everything together for 5 more minutes. We point out that if you prefer, the chickpeas can be from a boat, as you like.

Trick: you can add chopped potato, although you must bear in mind that the cooking time will be longer.

5 Season with salt and serve the stewed chickpeas. The result is a delicious chickpea stew that provides energy, vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients. Thus, it is a healthy and complete dish, as well as easy and fast. It can be accompanied with a green salad.

How to make stewed chickpeas with dried chickpeas

The pot stewed chickpeas recipe that we have shared is much faster because the chickpeas are already cooked. However, many are the people who prefer to do the whole process and, therefore, below we explain how to proceed in these cases:

  1. Put the chickpeas to soak the night before in plenty of water, preferably lukewarm. If you use tap water with a lot of lime, add a teaspoon of baking soda.
  2. The next day, when you go to prepare the stewed chickpeas, drain the legumes, wash them and put a pot of water to heat. The amount of water will depend on the number of chickpeas, but it should cover them completely.
  3. When it boils, add the chickpeas and cook over low heat for 2-3 hours.
  4. If you use an express cooker, the time is reduced to 20-30 minutes.

Other ideas to make stewed chickpeas

The stewed chickpea allows the little ones to consume this type of food, in addition to vegetables, very beneficial for their development. For this reason, you can add more ingredients to the list, such as carrots, zucchini, spinach…, and prepare very complete stewed chickpeas with vegetables.

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