Delicious Eggless Lemon Flan Recipe

If you don’t know how to make a lemon flan without an oven, you are on the right website because today this article puts at your disposal this easy recipe for lemon flan without eggs and without an oven that you can make in a few minutes.

You only need a few ingredients and a lot of love to make this cold lemon flan that all the children in the house will love, so if one day you don’t know what dessert to prepare for a little change, you can make this homemade lemon flan perfectly.

Ingredients to make delicious eggless lemon flan:

  1. 4 lemon yogurt
  2. 1 envelope of lemon gelatin
  3. 250 milliliters of Water
  4. liquid caramel (optional)
  5. Whipped cream (optional)
  6. Sugar or sweetener (optional)

How to make delicious Eggless Lemon Flan:

  • The first step to make this delicious eggless lemon flan is to bring the water to a boil in a saucepan and when it boils, add the lemon jelly envelope. Stir well and continuously until it has completely dissolved and turn off the heat. Then we let the lemon jelly cool down and stay warm.
  • Next, we place the lemon yoghurts in a container and add the gelatin. We mix these 2 ingredients of the cold lemon flan well with enveloping movements and with the help of some rods and add a little sugar or sweetener, depending on the sweetness we want for our homemade flan.
  • Once everything is well mixed, we take the molds that we want and place the mixture of the lemon flan without oven in them. Then we put them in the fridge and let them set.
  • Once the eggless lemon flan is curdled, we can serve it to our liking with a little liquid caramel or whipped cream, and also a few slices of candied lemon, for example. You can also put the liquid caramel at the base of the molds before curdling the flan in the fridge so that you have that layer when you unmold it.

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