Delicious Clam Chowder Recipe

Ingredients to make Delicious Clam Chowder:

  • 1 kg of clams washed and drained
  • 100 g of liquid cream with 18% fat
  • 150 gr of onion cut into quarters
  • 100 gr of diced bacon
  • 2 thinly sliced ​​celery stalks
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch
  • 300 grams of milk
  • 1 leek, thinly sliced
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 sprigs fresh thyme (leaves only)
  • 2 potatoes (approximately 400 gr) diced
  • 500 grams of water
  • 20 grams of butter
  • 1 pinch of freshly ground pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • crackers to accompany

How to make Delicious Clam Chowder:

  1. We start by putting the clams in a bowl, cover them with cold water and add one or two tablespoons of salt.
  2. We leave them like this submerged for an hour so that they release all the sand. Drain them in the basket and rinse them with warm water.
  3. Meanwhile, we put the onion in the glass and program 6 sec / vel 4, we reserve it in a bowl.
  4. Then, pour the water into the glass and introduce the basket with the drained clams.
  5. We program 13 min/100º/speed 4. We use the notch of the spatula to extract the basket
  6. Strain the liquid from the glass through a fine strainer covered with a cotton filter or kitchen paper and reserve it.
  7. We remove the bodies of the clams from their shells and reserve them covered with a little cooking liquid.
  8. With the glass clean and dry, put the butter and bacon and program 6 min/Varoma/vel 1.
  9. We place the butterfly on the blades and add the onion that we had reserved, the celery and the leek.
  10. We program 6 min / Varoma / vel 1.
  11. Add the bay leaf, the thyme leaves, the potatoes, the salt and the reserved broth from cooking the clams.
  12. We program 15 min/100º/vel 1. We incorporate the cornstarch dissolved in a little of the milk and the rest of the milk. We program 5 min/100º/speed 1.
  13. Add the liquid cream and program 1 min/100º/speed 1. Remove the butterfly.
  14. Add the clams and pepper and stir with the spatula.
  15. We serve immediately accompanied by the crackers.

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