Curd and sobaos tart recipe

This curd and sobaos tart is one of the fastest and easiest desserts to prepare, you have no excuse. With only 4 ingredients and half an hour of your time you can make this delicious cake, with a very creamy and smooth texture. In addition, you do not need to have any notions of confectionery, you just have to follow the easy step-by-step that in this article we share with you in detail.

This recipe is one of those that is wonderful if you have little time and want to surprise your diners with a delicious dessert. Prepare the ingredients and discover below how to make a quick curd and sobaos tart in a very simple way. Keep reading!

Ingredients to make curd tart and sobaos:

  • 1 liter of whole milk
  • 2 envelopes of curd
  • 200 grams of white sugar
  • 8 sobaos pasiegos

How to make curd tart and sobaos:

  1. Dissolve two sachets of curd in approximately one glass of total milk. This step will help the cake get better consistency.
  2. Add the remaining milk to a saucepan and add half of the total sugar. Stir well while heating over medium heat until you see it start to boil.
  3. When it starts to boil, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the diluted curd mixture. Stir well and let it rest for a few minutes.
  4. Next, heat the rest of the sugar over medium heat to form the caramelthat you will add to the bottom of the mold. Stir constantly to prevent burning. When you see that all the sugar is dissolved, turn off the heat and let it rest for a couple of minutes.
  5. Pour and distribute the caramel all over the bottom of the mold for the curd tart and sobaos. Once it has solidified, add the curd on topand reserve a few minutes at room temperature. Finally, put the mold in the fridge for 1 hour.
  6. Take the cake out of the fridge and place the sobaos covering the entire surface. You may have to cut some unit to cover the corners.
  7. Tip: if you don’t have sobaos at home, try preparing the curd pie and madeleines. It will surprise you!
  • Cover the mold with plastic wrap and take it to the fridge until the next day. When serving, turn the cake over, leaving the sobaos at the bottom.


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