Cucumber Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make Cucumber Soup:

  • 8 cucumber(s)
  • 1 tablespoon(s) chopped parsley
  • 6 cup(s) water
  • 2 heaping tablespoon(s) margarine
  • 1/2 cup(s) milk
  • 3 tablespoon(s) cornstarch
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to make Cucumber Soup:

  1. Peel the cucumbers and cut them into slices. Cook them for about 15 minutes in a little water. Remove from the heat and pass through the juicer. Place the cucumber puree in a pot and season to taste. Add the margarine. Let boil for about 20 minutes. Add the cornstarch dissolved in the milk and the finely chopped parsley. Stir for about three minutes.

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