Cuban Congrí Rice Recipe

Ingredients to make Cuban congrí rice:

  • 1 package of rice
  • Red beans cooked with their broth
  • 1 unit of chopped onion
  • 1 unit of chopped medium green pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 pinch of ground oregano
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 units of non-lean pork chops

How to make Cuban Congrí Rice:

  1. If you want you can gratin at the end. Rice in Cuba always remains loose because it is cooked with the same amount of liquid and poured into boiling water or broth, and then cooked over low heat for 20 minutes in a thick-bottomed pot with a perfectly tight lid
  2. Fry the chops and fry the onion, pepper and garlic in the fat they release. Meanwhile, we chop the meat into pieces. We put the broth to heat, add the bay leaf, the sauce and the meat. Add 2 ladles of drained beans. As soon as the broth boils, add the rice (two glasses of broth = two glasses of rice). We lower the heat to a minimum, cover, and under no circumstances uncover before 20 minutes.
  3. At the end, we stir with a fork, adding some fat from frying the cutlet. Others place strips of bacon over the rice and put it on the gratin, or fry a few slices and pour part of the fat over it. If the grain had not opened, leave it semi-covered for at least 5 more minutes.
  4. The rice used in Cuba is long grain, as it shells better. Serve the Cuban rice congrí accompanied by fried yucca or Cuban-style croquettes.

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