Crumb Sandwich Recipe

The crumb sandwich is a classic of Argentine cuisine, ideal to serve as an appetizer at parties and meetings or for a quick meal. Also known as sandwichón in other parts of America, this Argentine sandwich is characterized by being made in layers and lengthwise. As for the fillings, they are very varied, since we can really fill it with whatever comes to mind. However, we have opted for a classic: ham and cheese.

Do you want to prepare it to surprise during a party? Follow this easy recipe to learn how to make a crumb sandwich and surprise your guests at the next meeting by presenting this delicious and original appetizer.

Ingredients to make Crumb Sandwich:

For the bread:

• 450 grams of flour 000

• 5 grams of baking powder

• 1 tablespoon of honey

• 250 milliliters of water

• 2 tablespoons of powdered milk

• 1 dessert spoon of spirit vinegar

• 1 dessert spoon of salt

• 50 grams of butter

For the filling:

• 1 egg

• 5 slices of cooked ham

• 5 slices of cheese

• 8 olives

• 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise

• 25 milliliters of milk

How to make Crumb Sandwich:

To make the crumb bread, make a crown with the flour mixed with the salt. In the center, pour the warm water, honey and yeast. Begin to combine the ingredients and add the butter at room temperature. Assemble a smooth ball and knead it for 5 minutes. Cover and let stand 1 hour or until doubled in volume. Degas the dough and stretch it with the help of a rolling pin to give it a rectangular shape. Roll up the dough using some pressure and pinch the end so that the end of the roll is well attached.

Place the dough in a rectangular mold previously greased and floured, putting the end that you pinched down. Cover it and let it rise until it reaches the edge of the pan. This will take approximately 1 hour.

Cover the mold with aluminum foil and cook the crumb bread at 200ºC for approximately 20 minutes. To make sure it’s cooked, pierce it and check that no bread remains come out.

Then, let it cool covered so it doesn’t dry out and cut the edges of the bread. Don’t rule it out, as you can toast them for breakfast or to make bread pudding. Now yes, to start preparing the crumb sandwich, cut transverse sheets approximately 1 cm thick.

Spread one of the bread slices with the mayonnaise mixed with the milk. Cover it with the ham, then place another bread spread with the mayonnaise, the cheese, another spread bread, the chopped hard-boiled egg and, finally, another bread. Put some pressure on the crumb sandwich. Then, repeat these same steps with the remaining slices, replacing the egg with the chopped olives, thus you will have two varieties of crumb sandwich.

Tip: to make the hard-boiled egg, boil it for 12 minutes by placing it in the water while it is still cold.

Cut the edges of the sandwiches. These edges can also be eaten, of course! But this way your crumb sandwiches will be more beautiful. Finally, cut individual portions and serve them on a tray so that all your guests can try this delicacy. As you can see, it is a 100% homemade crumb sandwich, since even the bread has been made by you!

If you want, you can toast your crumb sandwiches to eat them hot. Mate, a coffee with milk or a glass of beer are ideal accompaniments for these sandwiches. Don’t stop trying them! You can keep the sandwiches in the fridge or refrigerator for about 3 days.

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