Croissants or Croissants Pudding Recipe

Homemade pudding or pudding has always been a typical recipe for use in Spanish cuisine. In this article we are going to make it this time to take advantage of some hard croissants and accompany it with banana and we will take out of the oven what the French call pain perdú! This croissant pudding is also somewhat reminiscent of French toast but you will have to make it at home to discover its flavor and the delicious aroma that fills the house when baked.

Ingredients to make croissants or croissants pudding:

  1. 6 croissants
  2. 700 milliliters of milk
  3. 2 eggs
  4. 3 tablespoons of sugar
  5. 3 bananas
  6. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  7. Brown sugar for dusting

How to make croissant or croissant pudding:

  • Cut the croissants into slices about one centimeter thick. The important thing is that all the slices have the same thickness (approximately).

Tip: You can change the croissants for bread.

  • We cover the bottom of the mold that we want to use for the croissant pudding with the pieces of pastries.

Tip: My advice is to press them well so that there is a consistent base.

  • In the blender glass (or in the jug, depending on the blender you have) we put the milk, eggs, sugar and cinnamon and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Pour over the croissants.
  • Peel and slice the bananas and put them on top of our mixture. This will give an extra touch of flavor to our easy to make croissant pudding.
  • You can also try making this classic banana pudding.
  • Sprinkle the croissant pudding with brown sugar and put it in the preheated oven at 200ºC until set. The time will depend on the mold we use but it will range between approximately 45 – 60 minutes.
  • And remember that if you liked it on my blog, Cuca’s sweet secrets await you many more recipes to take advantage of dry croissants.

Tip: Instead of banana you can use any other fruit.

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