Crispy gabardine prawns recipe

Ingredients to make crispy gabardine prawns:

  1. 12 prawns
  2. 100 milliliters of beer
  3. 1 egg
  4. 125 grams of flour
  5. 1 tablespoon yeast dessert
  6. 1 pinch of salt
  7. 1 glass of olive oil

How to make Crispy Gabardine Prawns:

  • We clean the prawns, remove the head and the shell from the body, leaving the end of the tail. We salt them to taste and reserve them.
  • Prepare the batter for the gabardine prawns. To do this, in a bowl we put the flour, the egg, the beer, the yeast and a little salt. We remove everything and mix well, in such a way that there are no lumps.
  • We have to have a slightly thick dough, so if it has become very clear we will add more flour, while if it is the opposite we will add a little more beer.
  • We put a frying pan with plenty of olive oil on the fire. While it is heating up, we take the opportunity to start coating the first gabardine prawns.
  • When the oil is hot, add the prawns to the panto brown them on both sides. We recommend frying the breaded prawns in batches of 3-4 so that the oil does not cool down.
  • As they are done, we take them out and place them on a plate with kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil, since otherwise there will not be crispy gabardine prawns. We repeat these steps until we finish the prawns.
  • With these quantities, you will have leftover dough, which you can use to coat and fry fish, which is also very good.

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