Creole meat empanadas recipe

Ingredients to make Creole meat empanadas:

For the filling

• 4 tablespoons of oil

• 150 grams of lard

• 2 chopped onions

• 1 red bell pepper, chopped

• 1/2 kg. small chopped green onion

• 2 bay leaves

• Seedless raisins

• Pitted green olives

• 3 hard boiled eggs

• 1 tablespoon sweet paprika

• Ground chili to taste

• Salt

• Pepper to taste

• 1 kg of defatted beef

For the mass

• 5 cups of flour

• 1 teaspoon salt, tea size

• 1 teaspoon sweet paprika

• 200 grams of lard

• 1 cup of warm water

How to make Creole Meat Empanadas:

In a saucepan pour the oil and a third (50 grams of lard). Sauté the common onion there together with the pepper.

Then add the coarse minced meat or better cut with a knife into small pieces, and add the remaining 100 grams of lard. Mix everything and add water or broth to cover, add the paprika, bay leaf, ground chili and raisins. Salt and pepper. Let it boil gently until the meat is tender, with the pan uncovered so that it thickens a little. Remove from heat and add green onion and olives, discarding bay leaves. Let stand until cool and if it is from one day to another better.

The dough put the flour on the counter giving it the shape of a ring, in the center place the salt, the paprika and the soft lard. Unite the ingredients and add water, kneading well until you achieve a smooth, homogeneous bun.  Let it rest for half an hour, then stretch it and cut the disks. Put a little filling on each disc and a piece of hard-boiled egg. Close them and bake until lightly golden.

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