Creamy Shrimp with Chipotle Recipe

Ingredients to make Shrimp in Cream with Chipotle:

  1. 400 grams of shrimp
  2. 2 minced garlic cloves
  3. 2 tablespoons of butter
  4. 1 cup of sour cream
  5. ½ cup of half cream
  6. 1 tablespoon cream cheese
  7. chipotle pepper to taste
  8. salt to taste
  9. 1 pinch of dried oregano

How to make Chipotle Cream Shrimp:

  • To start the Chipotle Cream Shrimp recipe, you must first prepare the shrimp. Clean and devein them, choose the size that best suits you or you like and peel the shrimp very well or if you also wish, leave the shrimp tail for a more gourmet presentation.
  • Combine the sour cream, the media cream, the cream cheese and the chipotle pepper, blending them for approximately 3 minutes, then reserve this mixture
  • In a large pot or skillet, add the butter to melt it, then add the minced garlic and fry until the garlic is lightly browned.
  • Then, add the previously cleaned shrimp, a pinch of salt and a pinch of oregano and cook for about 5 minutes or until the shrimp have changed their color to a pinker one. The Peruvian chipotle shrimp recipe is almost ready!
  • And if you also want to prepare a recipe for shrimp quesadillas, do not miss this recipe.
  • Pour in the chipotle cream mixture and cook everything for 5 more minutes, check the flavor and remove from heat.
  • Serve the shrimp accompanied by white rice or salad to your liking. Ready and eat!

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