Creamy Passion Fruit Dessert Recipe

Passion fruit or passion fruit is normally used to make juices, smoothies with yogurt, jellies, jams, sauces for meats or, as on this occasion, a creamy dessert. This recipe is very easy to make and I assure you that everyone will love it. I recommend doing it when you have a meeting, since you can serve it in small glasses with a little meringue.

Follow this article and learn step by step how to make a creamy passion fruit dessert, with a delicious fruity flavor.

Ingredients to make creamy passion fruit dessert:

  1. 230 grams of passion fruit pulp
  2. 200 grams of milk cream
  3. 200 grams of condensed milk
  4. 1 envelope of unflavored Gelatin

How to make Creamy Passion Fruit Dessert:

  • Before making the passion fruit dessert, the first step is to prepare all the ingredients.
  • To begin with, in a bowl you must mix the cream very well with the condensed milk. If you want to cut some sugar out of the recipe, you can always make your own unsweetened condensed milk.
  • Separately, dilute the flavorless gelatin with a little water. Then, microwave it for one minute and keep mixing until completely melted.
  • Add the passion fruit pulp to the gelatin(it must be at room temperature) and mix everything very well to continue preparing the creamy dessert.
  • Add the passion fruit pulp with the gelatin to the mixture of condensed milk and milk cream, stir very well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • It is time to distribute the mixture in the molds you prefer to assemble the passion fruit dessert. In this case, I preferred to use glasses with crushed biscuits on the bottom, which fits very well with the dessert. Pour the passion fruit, gelatin and milk mixture over the cookies, and reserve the covered glasses in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
  • Finally, remove them from the fridge and enjoy the creamy passion fruit desserts. When you try it, you will see that the texture we obtain is very smooth. If you want, you can decorate the cups with meringue as I have done.

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