Creamy dark chocolate recipe

The creamy chocolate is a pastry cream that takes on body and consistency once cold. It is ideal to introduce into pastry bags and decorate cakes with it. However, given its softness, it is also perfect to serve in small glasses, where it combines very well with red or citrus fruits. On this occasion, in this article, we will prepare a delicious recipe for creamy dark chocolate.

To make a good creamy dark chocolate, it is essential to use good quality dark chocolate. In this way, we will obtain an optimal dessert, either to fill cakes or to enjoy as an individual dessert. The preparation is simple, suitable for beginners and it will not take us long to prepare it. Let’s go with the preparation, so stay and learn how to make creamy dark chocolate!

Ingredients to make Creamy Dark Chocolate:

  • 200 grams of dark chocolate
  • 250 milliliters of milk
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 25 grams of sugar

How to make Creamy Dark Chocolate:

  1. Grate or chop the dark chocolate and reserve.
  2. Put the milk in a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  3. Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks with the sugar.
  4. When the milk comes to a boil, remove from the heat.
  5. Take a small amount of milk and pour it over the yolks with the sugar.
  6. Beat constantly so that the yolks do not curdle. Keep adding the milk while beating until all of it is added.
  7. Put the chopped dark chocolate in the same saucepan that we have boiled the milk and pour the milk mixture with yolks on top.
  8. Mix well and return to heat.
  9. Stir constantly, over low heat. You should keep it on the fire until you reach a temperature of 85 ºC.
  10. If you don’t have a thermometer, don’t worry, this dark chocolate pastry cream will be ready when it thickens slightly and the spoon has napped.
  11. When you take it out of the saucepan, you will see that a thin layer remains all over the spoon
  12. Let the creamy dark chocolate cool and reserve in the fridge for about 12 hours.
  13. It will be ready to use, either in individual cups as a dessert or to fill cakes and cakes.


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