Creamy Corn Empanadas Recipe

Argentine empanadas are one of the most representative dishes of the gastronomy of this country, and who has not tried them at some time? Today we have an infinity of recipes for Argentine empanadas, such as the popular meat empanadas, tuna empanadas or those that we share with creamy corn. Do you like the idea? Well keep reading and discover with us how to make easy creamy corn empanadas.

Ingredients to make Creamy Corn Empanadas:

• 12 pies for empanadas

• 1 can of creamy corn

• 1 onion

• 1 tablespoon cornstarch

• 1 cup of milk (240 milliliters)

• 30 grams of butter

• 2 boiled eggs

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Creamy Corn Empanadas:

First, cut the onion to your liking, julienne, rings or cubes. Then, heat the butter in a pan and sauté the onion.

Add the creamy chocolates, mix, add a pinch of salt and cook for a few seconds. If you want, you can add red or green pepper to the corn empanadas recipe.

Now, pour in half of the milk and stir. In the other half, dissolve the cornstarch and, once dissolved, pour it over the filling to thicken.

When the preparation is ready, add salt and pepper to taste, remove it from the heat, add the chopped boiled eggs and let it cool.

Tip: To enhance the flavor of the creamy corn empanadas, you can add grated cheese.

When the creamy corn filling for empanada is cold, take a lid, place the necessary portion and close the empanada giving it the shape you like best. Repeat this step until the mixture is finished. To make your own tapas, don’t miss the empanada dough recipe. Fry the creamy corn empanadas in plenty of oil, place them on absorbent paper to remove excess fat, and serve.

Tip: They can also be baked in the oven at 180ºC until we see that they are golden.

You can taste these delicious creamy corn empanadas accompanied by chimichurri sauce, or the one you like the most.

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