Cream Punch Jello Recipe

In Venezuela there is a sweet trio that is inseparable at the time of any celebration: cake, cheese and…, jelly! Gelatin is the complementary dessert for any Venezuelan party, especially during birthdays and, without a doubt, during the December season!

The variations of this delicious sweet are endless, however there is a wonderful recipe that combines another protagonist of the star month of the year, the punch. Can you imagine the taste of this duo? This article brings you a magnificent alternative for these holidays, an unforgettable Caribbean dessert: cream punch jelly with an authentic Venezuelan flavor.

Ingredients to make Cream Punch Jelly:

For the jelly

  1. 3 cans of condensed milk
  2. 4 cans of evaporated milk
  3. 4 cups of cream punch
  4. 2 cups of fruit cocktail
  5. 1½ cups of water (360 milliliters)
  6. 6 tablespoons clear unflavored gelatin (gelatin)
  7. ½ tablespoon vegetable oil

Decoration (optional)

  1. 4 cups of fresh forest fruits (for the sauce)
  2. 1½ cups white sugar or brown sugar
  3. 1 cup juice or orange juice
  4. 1 cup of forest fruits (to decorate)

How to make Cream Punch Jello

  • Organize your work table with all the utensils and ingredients required to prepare this exquisite cream punch jelly. I assure you that it will be the sensation at these parties! For the fruit cocktail, you can choose between buying canned fruit and preparing fruit in syrup yourself.
  • Mix condensed milk, evaporated milk and cream punch. Booking.
  • Moisturize the flavorless gelatin. To carry out this process, pour 1 and a half cups of water into a bowl. The water should be warm, neither hot nor cold. Drizzle the gelatin little by little and distribute evenly throughout the bowl. Ideally, use a large container, so the gelatin will hydrate better.

Trick: Remember that for every tablespoon of gelatin you must use 1/4 cup of water.

  • Then, stir the gelatin well until you achieve a homogeneous mixture. Let rest for 5 or 10 minutes. The more time you leave the gelatin to rest without flavor, the better it will hydrate.
  • Finally, prepare the water bath to dilute the flavorless gelatin. You only need 2 pots, one large and one small. Pour water into the larger saucepan until it covers 3/4 of the smallest saucepan. Remember, water should never fall into the smallest pot. Stir continuously until the gelatin looks transparent, at which time the mixture is ready.
  • It is important that you dissolve the gelatin without excess heat, as a very high temperature decreases its gelling qualities. The correct hydration and dilution of the gelatin will guarantee a kind of elastic dough with a pleasant texture.

Tip: It is more advisable to use only the steam from the pan during the bain-marie to dissolve the flavorless gelatin.

  • Add the unflavored gelatin to there served mixture, a little at a time. Pour in the form of a thread and stir with a wooden spoon without stopping, until fully integrated with the rest of the ingredients. If you notice that the gelatin does not integrate well into the mixture, you can heat the contents in a bain-marie and stir until everything is homogeneous. Use only the steam from the water bath or apply for a short time, as excess heat damages the gelling of the mixture.
  • Add the two cups of fruit and stir. Previously drain the fruits before integrating them into the mixture. The fruity cocktail can be made of tropical fruits or fruits of the forest, according to your preference.
  • Alternative option. You can also do this step in the following way: you are left only with the mixture of milk, punch, and gelatin. Then, go straight to the mold step. Pour half of the mixture into the mold and then place a layer of fruit. Finally, pour in the rest of the mixture and… Voila!
  • Grease the mold with vegetable oil. To make this step easier, soak an absorbent paper towel with oil, then brush it over the surface of the pan. Immediately afterwards, pour the final mixture into the mold and tap the bottom a few times. This evens out the distribution of the mix. Refrigerate the cream punch jello for a minimum of 2 hours, even better if you wait overnight.

Trick: The oil is used to better unmold the gelatin. This process does not alter the final flavor of the dessert.

  • Prepare the forest fruit sauce. Place a saucepan with the sugar and the orange juice, heat it over medium-high heat and wait until it boils. Stir frequently and when it reaches its boiling point, boil for 5 more minutes and stir from time to time. Then, add the 4 cups of forest fruits and heat until they boil. Wait 5 to 8 minutes or until the fruits burst and the mixture thickens a bit. Stir constantly. Once the sauce is ready, let cool at room temperature, strain, cover and reserve in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  • Let’s decorate! Take the gelatin out of the refrigerator, let it rest for a while at room temperature and carefully unmold. If you use a removable mold you will not have problems with the walls of the gelatin. However, for the lower part or the bottom, I recommend tapping it before unmolding. Then, place a large plate or tray on top of the pan and flip. Ready! Garnish with 1 cup of the fresh berries and drizzle the sauce over them. The finishing touch? A few mint leaves.
  • Do you dare to try this creamy delight? This cream punch jelly has a soft but firm texture, delicious to taste.

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