Cream of Spinach with Eggs Recipe

Ingredients to make cream of spinach with eggs:

  • 1kg frozen spinach
  • 4 Eggs
  • 4 slices of sliced ​​bread
  • 4 slices Grated Gruyere cheese
  • 50g Raisins
  • 50g pine nuts
  • 1 dl Oil (6 tablespoons).
  • A bowl Béchamel sauce (see recipe).
  • Salt

How to make cream of spinach with eggs:

  1. Heat a glass of salt water in a saucepan.
  2. Cook the spinach for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain, and chop finely.
  4. Place the eggs in a saucepan. Cover with water.
  5. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, but not from the saucepan.
  6. Prepare the Béchamel sauce. Cut the bread slices into triangles.
  7. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Fry the triangles of bread. Withdraw.
  8. In the same oil, fry the raisins and pine nuts for 2 minutes
  9. Peel the eggs. Turn on the grill.
  10. Place the spinach in a refractory source.
  11. Add the raisins and pine nuts, and mix. Arrange the eggs on top.
  12. Cover with the Béchamel sauce.
  13. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Gratin for a few minutes. Decorate the fountain with the triangles of bread.

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