Cream of Peas Recipe

In this article, we are going to prepare a cream of peas, a simple dish with a mild flavor that is ideal for adding peas to children. It has a pleasant flavor and rather on the sweet side, which makes it a very pleasant cream on the palate.

Creams are a great resource when we want to prepare something quick and delicious, since they can be made from all the vegetables that we like and even varied. In addition, it is the easiest way to eat vegetables and get the little ones to eat them too. It is a dish that is just as good as a starter as for a light dinner. Easy, low in calories, tasty and nutritious, this is the cream that we show below. Keep reading and discover with us how to make pea cream to integrate it into your menu and enjoy all its properties.

Ingredients to make Pea Cream:

  • 500 grams of peas (can be frozen)
  • 1 leek
  • 1 potato
  • 1 splash of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Pea Cream:

  1. Wash the leek and cut it into pieces. Peel the potato and cut it too.
  2. Pour a splash of oil into the pot where you are going to prepare the pea cream and heat it over medium heat. When hot, add the leek and let it poach.
  3. Once the leek has colored, add the peas, which can be fresh or frozen. If you make the cream of frozen peas, it is not necessary to defrost the peas beforehand, so add them directly to the pot. Stir and pour water to cover the peas.
  4. When the water starts to boil, add the chopped potato and let it all cook together until the potato is tender. Peas cook quickly if frozen, but potatoes need a little more time.
  5. Trick: If you want to make pea and carrot cream, add the peeled and chopped carrot in this step.
  6. Once the potato is well cooked, put the peas with the potato and broth to taste in the blender glass. Blend everything until you obtain a fine and homogeneous cream. You can also do this step directly in the pot, but depending on how liquid you want the cream, you will have to remove a little water to add it little by little. As the peas have a thick skin, you have to grind enough or then pass the cream through a chinos to make it fine.
  7. Tip: If you have leftover broth, don’t throw it away, you can save it to make other recipes that include vegetable broth.
  8. Add the pea cream back to the pot, add a little salt and let it boil again. If it is too thick, remember that you can add a little more water and even cream, although this last ingredient would increase the number of calories. Salt taste and rectify if necessary. You can also add a little pepper.
  9. To accompany the cream you can add some sesame seeds or homemade croutons, which are pieces of toasted bread. As you can see, the cream of pea’s recipe is easy, light and delicious, perfect for dinner or getting children to eat this type of food. And to enhance its nutritional value, we recommend adding vegetables such as carrots, Swiss chard or broccoli

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