Cream of Chicken Recipe

Ingredients to make Chicken Cream:

  • 1 chicken breast(s)
  • 4 tablespoon(s) powdered milk
  • 2 carrot(s)
  • 1 onion(s)
  • 1 stick(s) celery
  • 2 cabbage leaf(s)
  • 1 leek(s)
  • 1 turnip(s)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to make Cream of Chicken:

  1. Remove the skin from the chicken breast and boil it in a liter of cold water, with little salt.
  2. When it reaches the boiling point, add all the cleaned and chopped vegetables.
  3. Season lightly and cook until chicken is tender.
  4. Remove, remove bones from breast and chop.
  5. Beat all the vegetables, with the broth, in the juicer and add the powdered milk.
  6. Strain. Add the chicken meat, heat, check the seasoning and serve in bowls.

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