Cream of anchovy’s recipe for canapés

If you have a meeting or a party, you’d better have on hand a good recipe for quick and easy appetizers like this anchovy cream for canapés, we assure you that this preparation can get you out of trouble in less than 5 minutes.

It is a dip made with cream cheese and anchovies, we will simply mix these ingredients with a touch of milk to give texture and that’s it, the result will be a magnificent anchovy cream that you can use to prepare countless appetizers.

Ingredients to make anchovy cream for canapés:

• 1 can of anchovies

• 1 jar of cream cheese

• 1 splash of milk

How to make anchovy cream for canapés:

Making this spreadable dip is extremely simple, so we start by laying out our three ingredients on the work table.

Use a 200-gram tub of cream cheese, preferably light. As for the anchovies, a pack of 40 grams of anchovies in olive oil will suffice. The amount of milk will vary according to taste, but half a glass will be enough.

We will need a hand mixer or blender, then place the cream cheese and anchovies in the glass and blend until well mixed. Also add the oil from the anchovy container, we will not waste anything.

Now, to give the spreadable cream the right texture, add a few splashes of milk to the mixture while the machine is still on. Add what you consider necessary until the anchovy dip has the desired consistency, more or less thick.

Finally, check the flavor and reserve in a tub in the fridge until serving time. This anchovy cream for canapés is ideal to accompany boiled eggs or crackers, you can even use it to prepare sandwiches.

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