Cream donuts recipe

The cream donuts that we share in this article are ideal to accompany a coffee during breakfast or snack. Also, preparing them at home can be a lot of fun, especially if we have children because they can help us. The recipe is very simple and the result is a soft dough. In order to make the donuts with cream tender, it is very important to take into account that the flour must be added little by little in order to add the right and necessary amount. If we go too far, the result can be too hard donuts. In this sense, it is better for the dough to be a little soft and difficult to handle than for it to be very consistent.

Keep reading to find out all our tricks and find out how to make grandma’s cream donuts, they will surely be delicious!

Ingredients to make Cream Donuts:

  • 400 grams of common flour
  • 200 milliliters of milk cream (cream for desserts)
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 grams of sugar (½ cup)
  • 1 lemon (zest)
  • 15 grams of chemical yeast (baking powder)
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of cinnamon
  • 1 glass of sunflower oil for frying

How to make Cream Donuts:

  1. Beat the eggs with the sugar in a large enough bowl.
  2. Once these ingredients are well beaten, add the cream and lemon zest and mix.
  3. Tip: if you prefer, you can make the cream and orange donuts.
  1. Sift the flour and mix it with the chemical yeast(baking powder). Go adding the flour to the mixture little by little until you get a manageable dough, but a little sticky.
  2. Even if you make the cream donuts recipe several times, you will notice that the same amount of flour is not always needed, since it depends on what the dough asks for.
  3.  Therefore, it is important to add this ingredient little by little.
  4. When you see that the dough is ready, leave it in the bowl, cover it with a kitchen towel and let it rest for about 30 minutes.
  5. After the resting time, take the dough, form balls the size of a walnut and make the holes with your fingers.
  6. If you prefer thicker fluffy cream donuts, you can make the balls larger, but keep in mind that they will grow quite a bit longer.
  7. To be able to handle the dough without it sticking to your hands, put a splash of sunflower oil in a bowl and insert your hands to keep them always greased.
  8. Heat a large frying pan with the sunflower oil and add a few strips of lemon peel to flavor it.
  9. When the oil is hot, fry the cream donutson both sides until they are cooked. They shouldn’t burn, but they shouldn’t be raw inside either.
  10. Trick: you can cook the cream donuts in the oven by placing them on the tray lined with kitchen paper. The time will be about 20 minutes at 180 ºC.
  11. Remove the donuts from the pan and reserve them on a plate lined with kitchen paper to release excess oil.
  12. In another plate, mix sugar and cinnamon to coat the donuts while they are still hot, so the mixture will stick.
  13. With this amount of dough, about 30-35 cream donuts will come out.
  14. All that remains is to serve them and enjoy them with a good coffee, a natural juice or your favorite drink.


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