Cream Cheese Neapolitan Flan Recipe

This time we shared in this article an easy recipe for a delicious but high-calorie Italian dessert, since the ingredients in a cheese flan are quite powerful.

It is a Neapolitan flan with cream cheese that is very soft and fine, as well as delicious. You cook it in a bain-marie, like the rest of the homemade cheese flans that you make so that they are finer and their texture is spectacular. Shall we start?

Ingredients to make Neapolitan Cream Cheese Flan:

  1. 400 milliliters of condensed milk
  2. 5 eggs
  3. 200 grams of Philadelphia type cream cheese
  4. 200 milliliters of liquid cream
  5. 120 milliliters of Milk (½ cup)
  6. Vanilla
  7. Liquid candy

How to make Neapolitan Cream Cheese Flan:

  • The first thing we will do to make this Neapolitan cream cheese flan is to make the liquid caramel or buy it directly already made, as you prefer.
  • Next, with the help of the Thermomix or an electric mixer, we add all the ingredients in a glass and mix them well. If you use the Thermomix like me, program it at speed 5.
  • In the mold where we want to make the baked cheese flan, we strain a base of liquid caramel and add the previous mixture on top.
  • Now there are two ways to cook Neapolitan cream cheese flan:
  • If you do it in a bain-marie, you have to cover the Neapolitan cheese flan mold with aluminum foil and place it on top of a saucepan with hot water for about 90 minutes over medium heat so that it hardens in a bain-marie.
  • The other option is to make the cheese flan in the oven, previously preheated to 200º C, placing a tray with water and leaving it in a bain-marie for 90 minutes until it has set.

Tip: Check if the Neapolitan flan is done after that time by poking it with a toothpick. It has to come out dry.

  • When done, let the Neapolitan cream cheese flan cool and put it in the fridge for about 8 hours. When it has taken consistency we can unmold it calmly and serve it at any time. Take advantage!

Trick: To always unmold the tip of the knife looking behind so as not to damage the flan.

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