Cream Caramel Recipe with Cream

Desserts in a glass are a good idea when you have guests at home since they make preparation much easier because they usually take less time to curdle and they also save you work when serving them because you don’t have to cut portions or get suspicious that the piece of one is bigger than the piece you have served to another. In this article we learn this time to prepare a caramel cream with cream that we serve in a glass with a biscuit base and crowned by a profiterole.

It is a mini individual caramel cream cake with cookies that looks great on the table and is delicious without being cloying or heavy but rather a refreshing and appetizing dessert. Take a good note and get into the kitchen, you will surely love it!

Ingredients to make caramel cream with cream:

For the base:

  1. 1 package of Maria biscuits (or Digestive or toast)
  2. 100 grams of butter

For the cream:

  1. 200 milliliters of whipping cream (1 cup)
  2. 300 milliliters of milk (the one you usually use at home)
  3. 150 grams of liquid caramel
  4. 2 sheets of neutral gelatin
  5. 1 dessert spoon of cornmeal (cornstarch)
  6. profiteroles for each glass
  7. Icing sugar for dusting

How to make caramel cream with cream:

  • To prepare our caramel cakes with cookies in a glass we begin by making the base. For this we crush the cookies and add the melted butter. Mix well and pour into the bottom of the glasses that we are going to use.

Trick: To compact the base, it will be very good for us to use a shot glass.

  • Then we put the gelatin to hydrate in cold water. In a separate saucepan we put the cream, milk and caramel and put over medium heat. We remove frequently to prevent it from sticking. When it is about to come to a boil, add the teaspoon of cornstarch and the drained gelatin leaves and stir well so that they dissolve. We keep on the fire until it is again about to break to a boil
  • Pour the homemade caramel cream into the little glasses and put a profiterole in each one. Although the mixture is liquid, they do not sink. Let cool and then cover our cups and put them in the fridge so that the cream sets well. We will have to wait a few hours.
  • Here you have the recipe for homemade profiteroles in case you prefer to make them yourself instead of buying them.
  • To serve we can sprinkle with icing sugar on top of the caramel cream and cream.

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