Crab Encebollado Recipe

Ingredients to make Crab Encebollado:

  • 1 string of crabs (10 crabs)
  • 1 paiteña onion chopped very finely
  • 1 teaspoon chopped coriander
  • 8 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 4 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 pound potatoes, peeled, cooked, and cut into small cubes
  • 1/2 cup of cooked baby peas
  • 2 eggs boiled and chopped
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • For the CHIFLES
  • 4 green plantains cut into very thin slices
  • 1 cup of oil
  • Salt

How to make crab onion:

  1. Wash the crabs well.
  2. Cook them in water with salt, onions and whole chili peppers for one hour. Remove them from the water and let them cool well.
  3. Separate the shells and, with a small spoon, collect and save the fat from the inside of the shells; remove all meat from the body, legs and claws.
  4. Wash the chopped onion in cold water. Let it preserve for 10 minutes in lemon, oil, salt and pepper.
  5. Then mix it with the meat and fat of the crabs. Let the mixture keep for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
  6. Then mix with the rest of the ingredients, adjust the seasoning and serve the onion sauce accompanied by chilies.
  7. For the Chifles Put the oil in a pan, heat it well and add all the banana slices.
  8. Let them fry, stirring occasionally with a fork. When they start to brown and are crisp, drain the fat and add a little salt.

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