Crab ceviche recipe

Currently, the climate is changing and the hot season is tending to be much longer and more intense, which is why fresh dishes with a sea flavor are craved for longer throughout the year. For this reason, we explain how to make Sinaloa style crab ceviche, a different but exquisite recipe, fresh, easy to prepare and with accessible ingredients.

This ceviche is special, since its main protein is crab meat, which is fresh and has a very characteristic flavor. Also, as with most ceviche’s, it is a very quick dish to make and ideal to serve as a starter. Stay with us to discover the crab ceviche recipe, the ingredients that make it up and some suggestions for making different versions.

Ingredients to make crab ceviche:

• 500 grams of crab meat

• ½ piece of red onion finely chopped

• 5 lemons

• ¼ cup chopped cilantro

• 1 piece of red bell pepper chopped into cubes

• 1 piece of green Serrano chili

• ¼ cup chopped parsley

• ½ piece of avocado

• 1 tablespoon of salt

How to make crab ceviche:

Crumble the crab meat once thawed, since they usually sell it frozen. Once the meat has been shredded, place it in a deep bowl, add the purple onion cut into half-moons and mix both ingredients perfectly. See the article “How to cut onions”to do it correctly.

Add the coriander, parsley and chili, all finely chopped. Again, mix everything perfectly to continue with the preparation of the crab ceviche. Add the chopped pepper and mix everything again. Although these are the usual ingredients of Mexican crab ceviche, the truth is that you can add more as you wish. Hopped mango.

Separately, dissolve the salt in the lemon juice and pour this mixture over the crab ceviche, making sure that the lemon with salt permeates the entire mixture.

Let the ceviche rest for a couple of hours in the refrigerator so that the flavors settle and the crab meat is “cooked” with the lemon juice. After this time, you can enjoy this delicious dish by adding the avocado cut into small pieces. It is customary to serve the crab ceviche recipe accompanied by toast or corn tortillas. If you like Sinaloa-style recipes, don’t miss the Sinaloa-style Diablo Shrimp.

Tip: You can add the avocado first, but you run the risk of it browning a bit.

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