Couscous recipe with sautéed vegetables

Learn how to cook couscous with a colorful and nutritious recipe, so don’t settle for what’s closest at hand. In addition to wheat, corn and rice, there are many other cereals that you can include in your recipes such as the famous couscous or couscous, get to know them and enjoy the variety.

Once inflated, the couscous grains are perfectly separated, offer a beautiful golden color and are ideal for making traditional dishes or serving as an accompaniment to meat or fish.

In this article, we share this wonderful step-by-step recipe for couscous with sautéed vegetables, so if you still don’t know this delicious wheat semolina, this is the perfect recipe to give it a try in your kitchen.

Ingredients to make Couscous with sautéed vegetables:

  • 200 grams of Couscous
  • 2 pieces of Leek
  • 1 Eggplant
  • 3 carrots
  • 30 grams of Pistachios
  • ½ deciliter of oil
  • 3 tablespoons of Vinegar of Modena
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt

How to make Couscous with sautéed vegetables:

  1. Put the couscous in a bowl and add 240 milliliters of boiling water with a little salt, cover it and let the semolina rise for five minutes.
  2. Stir with a spoon so that the paste is loose.
  3. There are several ways to cook couscous, one of them is moisturizing it as we have done in this step and as is also done in the recipe for Moroccan couscous with vegetables, and another is to steam it with milk and butter, as is done in the recipe couscous with vegetables and chicken.
  4. Clean the vegetables. Julienne the leeks and chop the carrots and aborigine.
  5. In a large frying pan with oil, sauté the vegetables for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Meanwhile, peel the pistachios, put them in a mortar and crush they well, adding the Modena vinegar to form a paste.
  7. Add this to the sautéed vegetables and turn up the heat to bring it to a slight boil. Take advantage and also rectify salt.
  8. To serve our Sautéed Vegetable Couscous Plate, arrange the vegetables in a circle with the couscous in the center of the plate.
  9. Decorate by sprinkling everything with chopped parsley.


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