Cornmeal Pizza Recipe

Today some friends come in the afternoon to watch movies or soccer, and you want to entertain them with a delicious, cheap and easy meal. You think…Pizza! But there is a detail, you don’t have wheat flour or one of your friends has celiac disease! What stress!

Ingredients to make Pizza with cornmeal:

  • 1 cup of corn flour (120 grams)
  • 100 grams of Pepperoni
  • 100 grams of Mozzarella
  • 1 pinch of oregano

How to make Cornmeal Pizza:

This delicious gluten-free pizza recipe is so easy and tasty that you will not believe it. Have several containers and place in them the exact measurements of the ingredients needed for this recipe.

Tip: If you are celiac, check that the corn flour is not enriched with any cereal that contains gluten or the corn is from transgenic seeds. Next step, place the cornmeal in a bowl. Apply about half a cup of warm water, more or less, and knead.

Tip: If you prepare this food for someone with celiac disease, try not to contaminate the utensils or the work area with other ingredients that contain gluten.

When you achieve a homogeneous dough, the gluten-free pizza dough is ready.

Tip: If the dough breaks add a little more water and if it is very sticky add a little more flour.

Create a ball with the dough. Form a large disc with your hands, with all or almost all of the dough, this will depend on the thickness you prefer.

Tip: Place a pan to preheat.

Place the corn disk in the pan or griddle, for 5 minutes on each side. We could say that this would be like a kind of arepa pizza because of its similarity in terms of its preparation. Ready you have a super arepa! Now only the step that will turn it into an exquisite pizza is missing.

To do this, remove the arepa pizza from the pan and place it on a plate. First, put the mozzarella cheese on the surface, generously. Then add the pepperoni. Finally, sprinkle the oregano to taste. To melt the topping a little, microwave for 30 seconds or pan. If it’s in the pan, cover the arepa with a saucepan lid for a few seconds and… Let’s eat!

Tip: If you are celiac, check that the sausage is gluten-free.

What a treat! A pizza with corn flour, designed for celiac and anyone who wants a slightly lighter pizza. The melted cheese and the spicy flavor of the pepperoni together with the corn dough is simply indescribable. I told you it would be super easy!

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