Corn Tortos Recipe

Prepare some traditional corn cakes with the step by step that we show you and surprise everyone with a different dish.

Asturian tortos are a typical Asturian recipe that can be similar to Mexican corn tortillas and are accompanied with fried egg or minced meat with chorizo, and other ingredients. Unlike Mexican tortillas, corn cakes are fried in plenty of olive oil instead of being grilled.

Recipes with cornmeal are essential in a gluten-free diet. For this reason, you can eliminate the amount of wheat flour from this cake dish, increase the percentage of corn flour and make the recipe gluten-free, suitable for coeliac.

Ingredients to make corn cakes:

• 100 grams of corn flour

• 30 grams of wheat flour

• 1 pinch of salt

• 125 milliliters of warm water

• 400 milliliters of olive oil

How to make corn cakes:

We gather all the ingredients to prepare the corn cakes. In a bowl, mix the flour with the salt and warm water and mix. It is important that the water is not cold so that the dough for the Asturian tortos forms without lumps and in a simple way. We form a homogeneous mass and let it rest for about 6 hours. This dough for corn cakes does not require kneading.

We cut small balls from the dough of the homemade cakes and we extend/stretch them with the help of a rolling pin, as indicated in the image. Fry the corn patties in plenty of olive oil over high heat. Let them brown on both sides.

It is important to let the Asturian cakes rest on absorbent paper so that they release the excess oil and are delicious.

These corn cakes can be accompanied with a fried egg. And if you want to prepare a typical Asturian menu, go ahead and cook an Asturian bean stew with canned beans, it’s delicious!

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