Corn syrup recipe

Corn syrup is a sweetener that makes our pies juicier and stay fresh longer. In addition, they are also ideal for making ice cream, drinks, biscuits or for breakfast pancakes. In this article, we offer you this homemade corn syrup recipe, much more natural and healthier than its commercial version.

Also called corn syrup or corn syrup, corn syrup is the perfect substitute for honey or invert sugar, with a long shelf life and a delicious corn flavor. With these amounts, you will get a cup of syrup, just enough to make any dessert. Since it keeps so well, feel free to double the quantities and get more of this golden syrup. Let’s go with the recipe to discover how to make corn syrup!

Ingredients to make corn syrup:

  • 700 milliliters of water
  • 300 grams of sugar (1½ cups)
  • 325 grams of corn

How to make corn syrup:

  1. Put the water together with the sugar in a pot, stir and put on the heat until it boils.
  2. While the sugar water boils, drain the corn kernels well, especially if they are canned.
  3. Once the sugar water starts to boil, add the corn kernels.
  4.  Keep cooking until the mixture is reduced by half, it can take about 45 minutes.
  5.  Stir occasionally until you see that the liquid has turned into a slightly thick, yellow syrup.
  6. With the help of a strainer, separate the syrup from the corn kernels. Store the obtained syrup in a jar with a lid.
  7. When cold, cover well and reserve in the fridge until ready to eat.
  8. Tip: Do not throw away the cooked corn kernels, they are delicious and can be used to incorporate them into other desserts such as fruit salads, or add them to yogurt.
  9. And you already have your corn syrup ready to prepare cakes, ice creams or cakes!


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