Corn Fritters Recipe

Corn fritters are very easy and quick to make, and allow us to enjoy a different and tasty snack. In addition, they are perfect for taking advantage of those corn kernels that we have in the kitchen and have left over from other recipes

Ingredients to make corn fritters:

• 4 fresh ears of corn or 1 can of 300 g of corn kernels

• 2 eggs

• 45 grams of corn flour (maizena)

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 pinch of pepper to taste

• Oil for frying

How to make Corn Fritters:

If using fresh corn on the cob, first shell the corn and place the kernels in a small bowl to mix with the two beaten egg yolks. Add the corn flour, salt and pepper, and continue mixing.

Apart, we mount the egg whites until stiff and incorporate them into the corn dough, making gentle movements with a fork or spatula. Heat approximately 250 ml of oil in a deep pan to fry the corn fritters.

When the oil is hot, we add spoonfuls of pasta and crush them at once to form the fried corn fritters. It is not recommended to add many tablespoons at once, since they could join with each other.

Tip: The fritters should be about 5 cm in diameter.

Fry the corn fritters for two minutes on each side, paying attention not to burn them, and reserve them on absorbent paper to remove excess fat.

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