Corn Empanadas Recipe

Ingredients to make Corn Empanadas:

For 8 people

  • 1/2 pc. onion (head)
  • 450 gr. mozzarella cheese
  • 350 grams corn (grain)
  • 2 u. boiled egg
  • Nutmeg
  • Salt

For the mass:

  • 1kg flour
  • 250 grams cow fat
  • 280ml brine

How to make Corn Empanadas:

We cut the onion into julienne strips, we put it to fry in two tablespoons of oil, when they are a little golden, and we take them out of the fire. We put a fourth teaspoon of nutmeg, the same fine salt and ground pepper, mix everything well. Add the mozzarella cheese and corn kernels; it can be canned but it is preferable that it be tender and sweet. Not all brands are, or if not, buy corn on the cob tender shell it, boil it with a pinch of sugar for five minutes. Mix very well, unfirming the entire mixture. Put the flour in a bowl. We incorporate the beef fat (it cannot be pork) in its margarine replacement and add the brine (salt to taste). We incorporate well until there is a mass that has a hard time absorbing the flour, we put everything in a plastic bag and let it rest for half an hour. We put the dough on an allowance, make several divisions, knead making buns, and let rest. Inside the plastic bag and after half an hour with a rolling pin we stretch until the height of the dough is 2 mm. about. Then we cut discs of the size we want, resulting in our empanadas. Put a tablespoon and a half of pasta and a teaspoon of chopped eggs inside the disk.

Join the edges of the disk and braid them so that the pasta does not come out with the heat of cooking.

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