Corn cake and white sauce recipe

Cakes are one of my favorite dishes, since the combinations and possibilities are endless. In this case, we teach you how to prepare a delicious recipe for corn cake and white sauce.

Corn is one of the vegetables with the highest fiber content, thanks to the skin that covers each grain. Just 100 grams provides 3.6 grams of fiber, which represents 15% of the recommended percentage of daily value.

Fiber not only brings health to our digestive system and, therefore, to our immune system, but it also makes us very full. That is, after eating 1 slice of this cake, you will feel satisfied enough not to snack throughout the day.

Also, and no less important, this cake is delicious, so, without further ado, we invite you to continue reading to learn how to make corn cake and white sauce to enjoy with loved ones.

Ingredients to make corn cake and white sauce:

• 1 large onion

• 400 grams of corn

• 1 cup skim milk

• 1 dessert spoon of garlic

• 1 dessert spoon of nutmeg

• ½ dessert spoon of smoked paprika

• 2 tablespoons of cornstarch

• 1 disc of pie dough

• 30 grams of fresh cheese

• 30 grams of grated cheese

How to make Corn Tart and White Sauce:

To start preparing your corn pie and white sauce, start with this last ingredient. To do this, dissolve the cornstarch in the skim milk. Cook for 1 minute in the microwave, stir, and cook for an additional 30 seconds or until thickened. Rinse the corn kernels with water and mix them with the white sauce.

Tip: if you have fresh corn, cook it in boiling water for about 5 minutes or until the grains are very yellow and you can pierce them without effort. Break them down helping you with a knife.

On the other hand, chop and brown the onion with 1 teaspoon of oil. Once it’s golden, add 2 tablespoons of water and lower the heat to medium. When it evaporates, you can add 2 more tablespoons and repeat this process until it is as caramelized in its own sugars as you like.

Add the sautéed onion to the mixture of corn and white sauce. Season the filling with nutmeg, paprika and garlic. Taste it and correct the taste if necessary. Add the egg and mix well. Line a tart pan with the tart dough and fill it.

Cook your corn pie and white sauce in a hot oven (200 °C) for 20 minutes. Remove it and cover it with the cheeses. Cook it 10 more minutes on the oven rack so that it gratins. This step is optional, you could mix the cheeses with the preparation or not add them, but it will give it an incredible flavor, so we recommend it. Once au gratin, you can now serve and enjoy your corn pie and white sauce!

Corn cake and white sauce – Nutritional information and other recipes

Corn is one of the vegetables that we call starchy, due to its carbohydrate content similar to that of potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice or noodles. That is why, if you are looking to lose weight or are diabetic, we recommend that you accompany this cake with a fresh salad or a vegetable soup to lower the glycemic index of this dish.

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