Corn Arepa Recipe

Arepas are known as the native bread in Latin America, especially in Venezuela and Colombia. Originally, they were made with a mass of roasted corn, however, given their jump to the European continent, other dairy products were added, such as milk, butter or cheese. Also, you should know that, currently, there are about 70 varieties of arepas, all of them with different cooking methods, ingredients, utensils, and various fillings. On this occasion, we show a really delicious Colombian corn arepa with its intense corn flavor and somewhat sweet.

In this article we teach you how to make corn arepa with this step by step. Let’s do it!

Ingredients to make Corn Arepa:

• 300 grams of cooked sweet corn kernels (2 cups)

• 100 milliliters of milk (1/2 cup)

• 150 grams of yellow cornmeal for the arepas (1 cup)

• 25 grams of grated panela (1/4 cup)

• 1 pinch of salt

• 2 tablespoons of butter

How to make Corn Arepa:

Wondering how to make Colombian or Venezuelan corn arepas? Well, to make the recipe for arepas de choclo, first place the cooked corn kernels in the blender glass along with the milk, blend until you get a puree. In a bowl place the cornmeal, sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix with a spoon.

Tip: at this point, you can add grated cheese to further enrich the dough.

Add the corn and milk porridge to the flour, mix well with the spoon. Take a small portion with your hands to form the arepas.

Trick: the dough will be somewhat softer than plasticine.

Heat a pan and melt the butter in it. When it is already melted, add the arepas that you have formed with your hands. Next, let the arepas de choclo brown on one side and then turn them over so that they brown on the other. It will take about 2 minutes on each side.

Serve the arepas de choclo con queso immediately very hot. You will see how delicious it is and how many combinations it admits to accompany these arepas!

Calories in corn arepas

Approximately, one unit of arepa de choclo contains 195 kcal. However, the calories increase depending on the cooking and the ingredients to accompany this preparation, since if you make the baked corn arepa, it contains fewer calories. Likewise, you should also know that 100 grams of corn only provide 95 kcal.

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