Coriander Pasta with Chicken Recipe

Pasta is one of the most popular entries among those who practice gastronomy and those who usually enjoy food, since it is a practical, simple, very versatile dish and, above all, economical. Pasta can be combined with a wide variety of ingredients, from different types of creams, to broths, or from white meat such as fish to red meat from pork or beef, with any ingredient, undoubtedly incredible results are obtained.

It is for all this that we have decided to bring you delicious and very simple cilantro pasta that combines the fantastic flavor of cilantro with that of chicken breast.

Stay, keep reading and together we will prepare this incredible recipe for cilantro pasta with chicken step by step, you’ll see how you like it.

Ingredients to make Coriander Pasta with Chicken:

  • 1 bag of Short Pasta
  • 1 branch of fresh coriander
  • 1 cup of sour cream
  • ½ cup of whole milk
  • ¼ piece of white onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 pieces of chicken steak
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of Pepper
  • 2 tablespoons of Oil
  • 1 tablespoon chicken bouillon powder

How to make Coriander Pasta with Chicken:

  1. To prepare this rich cilantro pasta with chicken recipe, the first thing to do is gather all the ingredients.
  2. To begin we are going to cook our pasta: for this we place it in a saucepan with plenty of boiling water and add a clove of garlic, a piece of onion, a little oil and a pinch of salt, and let it cook for approximately 5 minutes.
  3. Once the pasta feels soft, remove it from the hot water and reserve it for a moment.
  4. Trick:I have used ribbons but you can use any other type of short pasta.
  5. While the pasta is cooking, we take the chicken breast, season it perfectly well and roast it on a hot pan with just a few drops of oil, letting it cook perfectly well.
  6. Once the fried chicken is there, we cut it into small cubesand reserve a moment.
  7. Now in the blender we place the cream, milk, garlic, onion, chicken bouillon powder and coriander, blend until obtaining a homogeneous sauce.
  8. Once the sauce for the cilantro pasta with chicken is ready, place it in a hot saucepan and let it reduce. We splash if necessary.
  9. Once the sauce becomes thick, add the pasta and the chicken cubes to it, and integrate perfectly.
  10. And READY! Our delicious coriander pasta with chickenis perfect to be tasted.

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